Saturday, 12 June 2021

Let's Brew - 1939 Heineken Export Pils

Heineken was already in the export business long before WW II. Though in a much smaller way than they would be after it.

Still, it was a large enough trade not to be sniffed at. In 1939 Heineken’s Rotterdam brewery produced 43,004 hl, or 14.38% of its total output.

Its not hugely different from the standard Pils. The OG and ABV are the same. The grist is only marginally different, with a tiny amount of kleurmout. Which leaves the finished beer ever so slightly darker.

The biggest difference is in the hopping. The rate is a little higher and more hops were added early in the boil. Leaving the calculated IBUs four points higher at 20. Were “Ro” from the 1938 season and “Belg.” – I assume Belgian – with no harvest year specified.

1939 Heineken Export Pils
pilsner malt 8.75 lb 79.55%
flaked rice 2.25 lb 20.45%
Strisselspalt 90 mins 0.50 oz
Strisselspalt 60 mins 0.67 oz
Hallertau 30 mins 0.75 oz
OG 1048
FG 1011
ABV 4.89
Apparent attenuation 77.08%
IBU 20
Mash double decoction  
Boil time 90 minutes
pitching temp 48º F
Yeast WLP830 German Lager

Mash in at 35º C (95º F) 5 minutes
Warm whole mash to 52º C (126º F) 20 minutes
Rest whole mash at 52º C (126º F) (protein rest) 15 minutes
Draw off first mash and without a rest bring to the boil 30 minutes
Boil first mash 10 minutes
The rest of the mash remains at 52º C (126º F) 40 minutes
Mash at 70º C (158º F) 25 minutes
Rest whole mash at 70º C (158º F) (saccharification rest) 30 minutes
Draw off second mash and without a rest bring to the boil 15 minutes
Boil second mash 10 minutes
Mash at 76º C (169º F) and mash out 20 minutes


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