For someone still several years away from his first legal drink, he has an impressive number of beer festivals under his belt: Peterborough, Bokbier, Meibok, Essen Kerstbierfestival, ZBF, Berlin, Bruxellensis, Hasselt (and the Hasselt Jenever Festival, too), Annafest and probably a few more I've forgotten. Why do I take him along so often? Because he likes travelling. It gives me someone to talk to. He can guide me home if I have a beer or twenty too many.
I demonstrated to Andrew how a hydrometer works on Tuesday. I still have one lying around from my homebrewing days. First we measured water, which, irritatingly, came out to 1005. After adding a teaspoon of sugar, it was 1025. Lexie's orange juice was 1045. Then I had an idea. "I wonder what the gravity of St. Bernardus Abt is? My guess was 1020-1025, something like that. Guess what it really was? Just 1010. Not much more than Amsterdam tap water.
What will Andrew be like after his next birthday? That's when he becomes a teenager. I have a fear that, like Harry Enfield's character, he'll turn into a surly, mumbling, lazy, uncooperative, little git at the stroke of midnight. You never know for sure what's going to happen when the hormones kick in.
I suppose I'll just have to appreciate Andrew's good nature while I can. Before he says "I don't want to sit in a smelly old pub all day, dad." There's bound to be a point where hanging around with his old dad is too embarrassing or dull. Let's hope we get another four or five years together.
Happy birthday, Andrew.
Belated Happy Birthday Andrew! I'm worried about my son and the impact my beer life is having on him. He's 3, and every time he's in the bath he gets a bunch of beakers and says he's making beer. The bubble bath forms a good head admittedly...
You have to wonder where those five gravity points come from in the tap water...
Happy Birthday, Andrew!
I suspect that my hydrometer isn't 100% accurate. Amsterdam tap water is very soft, so should be pretty close to 1000.
Happy birthday Andrew.
With many more happy festivals to come.
As for the hydro...test it in distilled water for a control. Probably just the way it reads is all.
The alcohol in the Bernardus Abt will skew your hydrometer readings. The beer most likely has a FG of nearer your estimate, but the less dense alcohol present will make it read lower.
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