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Too Cool. How's it taste?
Nice one. Is this your doing or an inevitable consequence of the completist nature of the pub? And what's the on-trade price for one of them bad boys?
Quite spooky - I'm sat here with my De Molen mrewery t-shirt on, fact fans!
How have the locals taken to it?
And I've never been able to get an in-focus picture of that blackboard either...
Correct apostrophe placement is all well and good but why the lower case 'i'?
Eddie, bow before my focus-ring mastery!
There's always one clever sod, isn't there??
As is tradition, I blame my equipment...
It looks to me as if the T's are lower case, too.
I do have an in-focus picture. I just prefered Andrew's slightly blurry attempt.
Yeah, it is cool seeing your own name on the board. The SSS tasted pretty good, too.
beer nut, if I remember rightly, it was 4 euros a pop.
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