Friday 2 August 2024

It's gonzo journalism


"What do you mean Alexei?"

"You said it's sort of true, your trip reports."

"Sort of mostly true. With a few truth improvements."

"That's the definition of gonzo journalism, Dad."

"Isn't that what all writing is?"

"Not all journalism."

"OK, I'm not a journalist. I can improve the truth as much as I like."

"That's such a total get out."

"So I can still use it?"

"Fuck off, Dad."


Anonymous said...

Never let the truth get in the way of a good story

Ron Pattinson said...

Yeah, it's all sort of true. More true than not. Or true in spirit. Whatever that is.

My truth. Sort of.

True enough for me.

And, as the kids aren't taking notes, it'll be their truth, too. Eventually.

Anonymous said...

Just wait until they start posting their own versions of these trips.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Ah yes, I look forward to the Shut Up About Hertog Jan blog