No. No! No!!
No no no no no no no.
No no no no no no no no no.
No no no.
No no no no, no.
I asked my son Andrew to write today's post and that's the best he could come up with. It does have a certain dadaesque ring, but I couldn't help but feel I was shortchanging you if that's all I could come up with today.
You'll have to make do with a few book scans. Today it's "Almanach für das deutsche Brauwesen 1957". The pages describe top- and bottom-fermenting beer styles. Here's what it has to say about Wiener Typ lagers:
- There was also a Vienna type, which was between Münchner and Pilsener in colour. This beer was bitter and malty at the same time, which doesn't work. The style has disappeared.
A bit premature with the obituary, but an interesting explanation for why amber lagers might have disappeared. Though it sounds like bollocks to me.
Here's another interesting claim:
- There are some top-ferementing beers in Germany, in particular Berliner Weisse, which is similar to Leuven Witbier, but clear.
The list of Belgian styles is surpisingly long: Lambic, Geuze, Leueven witbier, Peetermann, Uytzet, Saison, Oudenaarde Bruin.

I did write a proper post today. On paper. Why on paper? Because I was in a pub. It's very witty and perceptive. Believe me. Maybe tomorrow I'll have the energy to type it all in.
"They distinguish between dry and sweet stout." Wow. I thought Michael Jackson had invented that.
Barm, so they do. Interesting to see a German view of British beer.
I had to hunt this post down. I'd forgotten I'd even written it, it's so old.
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