"Heppenstall's Brewery, Newark. - We understand that the old-established brewery firm of Heppenstalls — the oldest in name we believe in Newark — have for family reasons formed themselves into a Limited Liability Company, under the style of Heppenstalls Limited. The new Company will acquire the business, with its freehold brewery, land, maltkilns, tied houses, etc., as from the 1st of October, instant."In 1863, he took in a Mr. Holland as partner. Not sure how long it lasted, as I haven't found any other reference to Heppenstall and Holland.
Nottingham Evening Post - Saturday 11 October 1890, page 2.
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Stamford Mercury - Friday 09 October 1863, page 1. |
"ALBION BREWERY, NEWARK.There are a few odd things about those beers. Why is there no X Ale? Why aren't there even price differentials between the three Mild Ales? You'd expect them to be 1s, 1s 2d and 1s 4d per gallon. I'm starting to see a pattern in Newark beers. Everyone seemed to brew a light Pale Ale at 1s or 1s 2d per gallon. As well as a more expensive Pale Ale called IPA (or something similar). Though usually they were 1s 6d a gallon rather than the 1a 4d Heppenstall charged.
C HEPPENSTALL begs to thank his friends and patrons for the support so kindly afforded him for the last 14 years, and also Inform those friends and the public generally that he has taken into Partnership Mr. E. Wm. Holland, that henceforth the business will be carried on upon the same premises under the firm of Heppenstall and Holland. See following advertisement
HEPPENSTALL and HOLLAND beg to call the attention of the nobility, clergy, and gentry of Newark and its Environs to their first-class Fine ALES, brewed from this year's new Malt and Hops, which will be ready in few days for private and home consumption. For purity and excellence character, at the price, these Ales cannot be surpassed.
H. and H. Invite especial attention to their Pale Bitter Ale, at 1s per gallon, a fine tonic and agreeable beverage for private families.
Supplied by their respective Agents, or direct from the Brewery, in casks of 6, 9, 12, 18, 26, and 36 Gallons.
Carriage paid to any part
XX Ale. 1s. 0d. per Gallon.
XXX 1s. 3d. „
XXXX 1s. 4d. „ .
XX Family Pale Ale 1s. 0d. „
East India 1s. 4d. „
Porter 1s. 0d. "
Stout 1s. 3d. „
Wholesale Wine and Spirit Merchants.
Agents for Burton Pale Ale.
For the convenience of their friends H. and H. have taken out a licence to enable them to supply Wines and Spirits from One Gallon down to a Bottle.
Albion Brewery, Newark."
Stamford Mercury - Friday 09 October 1863, page 1.
Interesting how Porter and Stout are included under the heading "Bitter Ales". It looks like they're using that term in the way "Beer" was used in the 18th century. Porter and Stout were, of course, types of Brown Beer.
The C stands for Christopher. How do I know? Because of this death announcement:
HEPPENSTALL - the 16th inst at Southwell, Christopher Heppenstall, Esq., proprietor of the Albion Brewery, Newark, aged 61 years."
Grantham Journal - Saturday 23 March 1872, page 4.
But hang on, has he come back from the dead a few years later?
"FARNSFIELD, Notts. To be LET, old-licenced PUBLIC-HOUSE. Rent £19. Inventory about £80. — Apply to Mr. C. Heppenstall, Albion Brewery, Newark.'No, it seems he had a son who was also called Christopher. Who can't have been all that old, seeing as his father had died aged 61 14 years earlier. He couldn't have been older than in his fifties.
Stamford Mercury - Friday 13 December 1878, page 1.
"Newark Town Council.—A vacancy has been caused in the representation of the East Ward in the Town Council by the death of Mr. Christopher Heppenstall, which took place the other day at Finsbury Park, London. Mr. Heppenstall was a brewer, and well known for his benevolence to the poor in the town. He had been in failing health for some time past, so that the telegram announcing his demise, though it occasioned regret, cannot be said to have caused surprise. The funeral took place on Tuesday, the deceased gentleman being interred alongside the remains of his first wife at East Bridgeford. In polities Mr. Heppenstall was a Conservative. On Monday, a deputation waited upon Mr. J. F. Warwick, of (a member of the firm R. Warwick and Sons, brewers), and invited him to offer himself as a candidate. We understand Mr. Warwick has decided to accept the invitation, and there can be no doubt his candidature will be very popular."
Grantham Journal - Saturday 28 August 1886, page 2.
Now isn't that interesting? One Tory brewer replacing another on Newark council. The brewers were heavily involved in Newark politics as councillors, mayor and even MP.
Richard Warwick and Sons was one of the firms that merged to become Warwicks and Richardsons.
First time I've seen a 6 gallon cask mentioned.Were these common and if so did they have a name?
For the home trade they seem to have used some odd-sized casks. I'm sure a 6-gallon cask will have a name. I just don't know what it is.
Christopher's nephews Christopher and inherited the business on his death. I am descended from the family and that is how i know the details. And my name is also Christopher Heppenstall. Let me know if you want to get in touch to discuss more about the brewery. I ave switched on the Email follow up comments to track any comments.
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