Thursday 25 July 2024

Loving Montevideo

Lots if cool 1929s  bullrings, Some cool food and drink.

But it's all al about showing the kids an alternative of European Society.  One that went a sightly different way.

Some is beautiful. There are lots of art-deco-ey 20s buildings here way better than in Europe

It's a Europe which could have been.

Much like modern Ireland a an England that could have been. They'd sorted out the racism and the trains.


Anonymous said...

And stayed in the European Union

Anonymous said...

Totally agree Ron that Asia is Asia, Africa is Africa, North America is, unfortunately, North America but elements of South America have that alternate European reality. Wasn't Buenos Aires at one point in the 19th C the richest city on the planet, stuffed full of European culture?

Stephen O'Kane said...

While there was little actual racism in Ireland when I was growing up that was mainly due to there being very few people from other ethnic backgrounds moving there. Unfortunately in recent years as immigration has grown, certain idiots have started spouting the usual rubbish about foreigners being a problem.

It's the most hypocritical thing an Irish person could do, considering we almost certainly the largest emigrant population in the history of the human race