Thursday 25 July 2024

Cairnes Single Stout 1914 - 1923

I've been trudging my way through Cairnes records or the last couple of weeks. Has it been fun? Instructional, perhaps.

Specifically, the interwar years and, one of my favourites, WW I. I hadn't seen a set of Irish records from WW I before. I knew that they were going to look different from English or Scottish ones. For the simple reason that the rules weren't the same.

In April 1918, the average gravity of a brewer's beers in Great Britain was limited to just 1030º, while in Ireland it was 1045º. I think this was simply because pre-war, average OG had been higher in Ireland: 1066º compared to 1052º in England.

You can see in the two tables that Cairnes Single Stout never fell below 1039º during the war. While Fullers Porter dropped to 1027.5º in 1918. Interestingly, Cairnes Single Stout hhit its nadir in 1920-1921. A time when the gravity of Fullers Porter was starting to bounce back. Though, by later in the 1920s, the two beers had near identical gravities.

The rate of attenuation of Cairnes Single Stout fell during the war, due to the FG being maintained at the same level. This was, presumably, to maintain the body. This doesn't seem to have occurred at Fullers.

The hopping rate at Cairnes almost halved in the middle of the war, from 7.6 lbs per quarter (336 lbs)) of malt to just 4.25 lbs. At Fullers, on the other hand, it remained pretty constant at between 6 lbs and 7 lbs per quarter. 

Cairnes Single Stout 1914 - 1923
Date Year OG FG ABV App. Atten-uation lbs hops/ qtr hops lb/brl
1st Jan 1914 1050 1014 4.76 72.00% 7.60 1.34
1st Sep 1914 1050 1014.5 4.70 71.00% 6.70 1.27
7th Jan 1915 1052 1012 5.29 76.92% 6.61 1.17
2nd Oct 1916 1046 1012 4.50 73.91% 4.25 1.05
3rd May 1917 1048 1012 4.76 75.00% 4.25 1.55
7th Jun 1917 1046 1012 4.50 73.91% 6.92 1.13
1st Nov 1917 1046 1012.5 4.43 72.83% 6.92 1.08
3rd Jan 1918 1046 1014 4.23 69.57% 6.74 1.02
2nd May 1918 1039 1012 3.57 69.23% 7.54 0.97
3rd Oct 1918 1039 1013 3.44 66.67% 7.54 0.97
3rd Feb 1919 1039 1013 3.44 66.67% 7.54 0.98
2nd Oct 1919 1039 1012.5 3.51 67.95% 7.69 0.98
1st Jan 1920 1039 1012 3.57 69.23% 7.92 1.04
15th Apr 1920 1039 1013 3.44 66.67% 7.62 0.97
4th Oct 1920 1037 1012 3.31 67.57% 7.64 0.94
3rd Oct 1921 1037 1013 3.18 64.86% 7.60 0.98
2nd Feb 1922 1041 1014 3.57 65.85% 7.56 1.21
1st Jan 1923 1042 1014 3.70 66.67% 7.07 1.10
Cairnes brewing records held at the Guinness archives, document numbers GDB/SUB/0022 and GDB/BR17/1257.

Fullers Porter 1914 - 1925
Date Year OG FG ABV App. Atten-uation lbs hops/ qtr hops lb/brl
18th Nov 1914 1045.5 1012.5 4.37 72.59% 6.74 1.38
17th Feb 1915 1043.8 1010.8 4.37 75.35% 6.33 1.34
2nd Jun 1916 1043.0 1010.8 4.26 74.89% 6.23 1.43
4th Aug 1916 1039.1 1010.0 3.86 74.50% 6.63 1.38
12th Apr 1917 1044.2 1010.0 4.52 77.42% 7.24 1.48
9th Aug 1917 1035.5 1007.8 3.66 78.13% 7.54 1.23
5th Jan 1918 1035.9 1010.0 3.43 72.24% 6.81 1.26
19th Apr 1918 1027.5 1007.2 2.69 73.84% 6.41 0.97
14th Jan 1919 1027.8 1010.2 2.33 63.18% 6.83 0.74
10th Feb 1920 1034.2 1007.2 3.57 78.95% 7.02 1.13
16th Jun 1925 1041.5 1015.5 3.44 62.62% 7.95 1.55
Fullers rewing records hheld at the brewery.

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