This is the situation. You've got an hour-long train ride. And you've got a bit of a thirst. Fresh out of work and gagging for a drink. What do you get for the train?
- four half-litre cans of 12% tramp juice
- a small bottle of Famous Grouse
Remember, the journey will last at least an hour.
What would you do?
This isn't a hypothetical question. I found myself in this position just last week.
The tramp juice obviously.
emmmm.... Tertium non datur?
I know what you would do. Buy both.
Read a book and have a proper beer when I arrive. I would not waste a fine thirst on crap beer.
I'd suggest you pour a few bottles of St. Bernardus Abt 12 into this and hitting the road. Problem solved. And the handy wine rack for the little lady can come in handy if you are really thirsty. American ingenuity at it's best. No wonder we are in the shitter.
How grotty are the cans?
I with Séan on this one.
I often traipse between London and Darlington (and other places for away games) for the football but never drink on board.
Much prefer to have a cuppa and wait until I arrive where I can then have some decent stuff.
Far too sensible...
Alan, cheap, supermarket own label cans.
Yep. Cup of tea on the traini, then straight into the nearest decent boozer on arrival for something from a cask. Unless I've somehow wound up in Virgin first class on the way back from Euston to Manchester, in which case they'll give you mini-cans of London Pride if you ask nicely. For free.
I'd go with the tramp juice.
Your more refined fellow traveler may baulk at the sight of you dampening your ruddy cakehole with a few cans of the stuff. But it at least shows some degree of restraint.
Only the most debauched of alkies would singly swig from a bottle of whisky. The sight of a lonely cove going to work on the hard stuff is akin to the most hardened of junkies scratching and searching for the last soft, plump vein to defile. It says only one thing: desperation.
When traveling on the train my mates and I would grab a 3L bottle of some strong cider and mix it with bourbon. We found one 750 to one 3L bottle was just about perfect. Warm them up and its very good on a cold day also!
The Grouse for sure.
Neither are particularly quenching... didn't they have a bottle of water?! Do you not carry an emergency beer on you, just in case? My old boss keeps a couple of bottles of Punk IPA in the boot of his car 'just in case'.
Nothing wrong with drinking whisky from the bottle. If it's good whisky.
Wait until I could get to the pub for me. And Darren, when I travel to London I drink G&T. I wouldn't waste free drink on small cans of - well - anything beerwise. Certainly not LP.
"Alan, cheap, supermarket own label cans."
Delhaize, the Belgian supermarket chain do an own label witbier, which is actually quite nice....
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