Wednesday 18 October 2017

Let's Brew - 1890 Adnams Tally Ho

There’s a bit of a gap between my first two examples of Tally Ho. A little more than ten years. And there have been a few changes to the beer in the meantime.

The brewing records have also got more detailed. Thankfully. Though they still aren’t perfect. It’s still pretty vague about the type of sugar used and there’s something simply called colour. I’m guessing that’s a type of caramel. And this time I’ve gone for No. 3 invert sugar. For no particular reason other than that I think this beer is darkish.

At least there are more details about the hops. They’re from Worcester, Kent and Burgundy. To be honest, I’ve no idea what type of hops came from the latter. And, as the amount of them was quite small, just 15 of the 105 pounds, I’ve gone for 100% Fuggles. But Goldings or a combination of Goldings and Fuggles would be fine, too.

The gravity has dropped a few points, but not a huge amount. No FG is specified, so that’s a guess again. Based on the first FG that I have for Tally Ho, which is from 1913. That’s the beer we’ll be looking at next.

1890 Adnams Tally Ho
pale malt 12.50 lb 75.35%
No. 3 invert sugar 4.00 lb 24.11%
caramel 1000 SRM 0.09 lb 0.54%
Fuggles 120 mins 3.00 oz
Fuggles 60 mins 3.00 oz
Fuggles 30 mins 3.00 oz
OG 1086
FG 1026
ABV 7.94
Apparent attenuation 69.77%
IBU 84
SRM 25
Mash at 150º F
Sparge at 175º F
Boil time 120 minutes
pitching temp 57º F
Yeast WLP025 Southwold


Chris said...

Interesting paper from 1898 that mentions hops from Burgundy. They are likely higher in essential oils than the English hops.

Mick said...


I think you may have solved a minor problem of mine. I have done 49 brews on the Braumeister and was looking for something special for the number 50. Tally Ho it is! a beer I have sampled a few times in the Lord Nelson in Southwold.


Old School Beer Admiral said...

Do you think either of these 2 Tally Hos was bottled? If so, it might explain why they had names versus standard brewery terms to describe them.....

Anonymous said...

Do the records ever contain comments on the beer? Such as "wow, this turned out great" or "hop flavor not as strong as hoped for" or anything else?

Do you have a sense of how people drank a beer that is pretty big and heavily hopped by today's standards? Was it the kind of thing you might drink just one or two on a special occasion, or was it something many drank regularly in volume?

Ron Pattinson said...

Mark Linsner,

it might have been bottled. But in 1890 bottled beer was a minority thing. Especially as a small provincial brewer like Adnams.

Ron Pattinson said...


yes, there are sometimes comments like that.

It's probably a beer people would finish the night with. I doubt anyone sessioned it.

Marquis said...

Ron,I sent you pictures of Adnams 1891 and 1893 calendars. Both have an inn called the Tally Ho. Could the beer be named after one of their pubs?

Unknown said...

Hi Ron ,
"Burgundy" hops were probably a variety called Tardif De Bourgogne , which were a reasonably well regarded, relatively low alpha hop , somewhere around about 2.8 % - 3.2 % (Guess), and would have been a key part of the hop charging ,

Best Regards ,