One of the world's top beer pubs. And they have loads of quality German lagers, perfect for cooling you down on a hot day. There's a no-smoking room, too, but that won't matter after July 1st, when smoking will be banned in Dutch pubs. Will that affect my sitting habits?

The world of Dutch beer at your fingertips. The canalside tables are very pleasant at this time of year. Perhaps an ice-cold jenever might go down nicely, too. When the smoking ban arrives, drinking inside may bceome a possibility, too.
Hang out with the hippies at Amsterdam's coolest beach. If the weather's good, you could almost be in Negril. Get there this year, because the kill-joy council plan closing it forever at the end of the summer. Just love that driftwood bar with the Buddha head. Shame about the dogs, though.

Another pub with a relaxing canalside terrace. Handy for NeMo, too. I would have also included a mention of the Scheepvartsmuseum, but that's currently undergoing renovation (like many myuseums in the city). A recent cheerful correspondent told me my Amsterdam pub guide was a bunch of tourist hellholes, with the exception of Scharrebier and Druif. See if you agree.

A full range of microbrewery Texelse beers and a terrace with some of the best views in town. When the sun goes down or it gets chilly, it's just a few steps to Olofspoort. Shit, that's eleven pubs now. Can't be arsed to change the title, mind.

The garden has reopened! This unique outdoor space is a real summer treat. Don't miss it. The perfect place for pickling yourself in jenever. Ever wonder what's around the back of the 17th century houses in the centre of Amsterdam? This is your chance to find out.

Located on Amsterdam's most beautiful square. Wonder at Boterenbrood's wilful asymmetricity. Wonder at the Rutger's curving brick balconies. The Van Gogh and Rijksmuseum are close by, too. There's plenty of space indoors and out in this substantial 1930's pub. The art deco interior matches the Amsterdamse School exterior perfectly.

Nothing particularly summery about Dopey's. I just thought it deserved a mention. And you wanted an excuse to visit De Pijp, didn't you? No? Well, you should do. It's full of all the ethnic and trendy stuff I imagine my readers going for. Don't know why. Imagine you like that sort of thing. You're probably a bunch of fat old blokes like me.

On a warm summer afternoon, nothing's more soothing than hiding inside Het Ij while everyone else mobs the beer garden. Dirt cheap, too. See if you can spot the join where the bar was recently extended.

One of the few places in Amsterdam West where you can enjoy a beer outside and not be crammed on the pavement next to a main road. They have a few decent beers to make the experience extra special.
(This has been a post in the series "Get More Hits for my Website" and "Keep Mike Happy".)
I can't believe how little I knew to do when I was living in Aalsmeer for a few months back in 1986. If I had only had this information I would have had such leisurely weekends instead of confused searches for museums with various levels of gutteral horkings in the name.
I did like the idea of grocery buses with the beer cases on the back being delivered door to door.
Just got back to blighty today after a pleasant week staying out on KNSM island.
We stuck to what we like best and concentrated on visits to the Arendsnest and het Ij - the latter is my favourite place to relax though it's not quite the same atmosphere since they knocked through the wall. The Vlo yesterday was extremely drinkable...
We always drop into De Zotte as well - just for some of the gorgeous abbey cheesecake.
Alan, there's so much to do in Amsterdam. Picking just 10 pubs was quite a chore. I was in the garden at Wijnand Fockink yesterday. What a great spot! There's nothing else like it in the city.
Ted, Blijburg isn't all that fasr from KNSM Island. Another unique spot.
Yo, Ron! Someone in California thinks your blog's name is something to do with football ...
Alan - before the internet there was the ever dependable Serious Drinkers Guide by Hugh Shipman - we found it very useful when we first came to Amsterdam in the early 90s.
Ron - we'll give Blijburg a go next time, hopefully we'll be over again before the year is out.
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