This shelf may be small, but it contains one of my all-time favourite books: Amsterdamse Kroegen Encyclopedie (Amsterdam Pub Encyclopedia). My guide to Amsterdam pubs can only ever aspire to being the second best. Amsterdamse Kroegen Encyclopedie gives full details of all 1,278 pubs in Amsterdam. A remarkable achievement that could well never be repeated.

But have you got Hugh Shipman's 'The Serious Drinkers Guide to Amsterdam'?
This all sounds like a job for LibraryThing. Go on, give us a look through your stuff.
Fatman, I do have Hugh's guide. An excellent little book. See if you can spot it on one of my upcoming bookshelf pictures.
Beer nut, I intend showing you all of mine. Books that is. Today I was a bad boy. I ordered two more books. It's like an addiction. No it's not like an addiction, It IS an addiction.
i am really proud off you !
Indeed the best book ever written of Amsterdam Pubs !
Remco Boas
The Serious Drinker's guide was the second book I bought on my first trip to Amsterdam. 1998 or 1999 or thereabouts, a friend and I cashed in a pile of special Grolsch (yes, sorry) ring pulls for two flights each EDI-AMS. The hostel we stayed in had the Joe Pauker Get Lost Guide, which I grabbed a copy of and used to find the inestimable Wijnand Fockink. Who had a pile of the first edition on sale for not much....
That guidebook became my travelling testament ("But you see, sir, my beer-guide IS my bible - when I see In de Wildeman, I think of Adam in the Garden..."), and then one year I found the second edition (maybe at the first of the old bok bier festivals I got to). It did me for a year or so, and then the late John Hein pointed me at your online guide and suggested I try - just for fun - to build a content management system with a pair of underlying cafe and beer databases that could be used to extend guides like yours worldwide.
Naturally, this was far too much work, so nowadays I stick to Untappd with the odd foray into Graham Povey's website or yours....
Anyway, apologies for droning on, but many thanks for your blog and guide!
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