Friday 8 July 2022

1960 DDR Beer specifications

There was a request for the full specs of the DDR styles. So here you go.

These are the specs of the finished beers. Unfortunately, they use the annoying Brand scale for the colour. As I don't have a reliable conversion to a better-known colour scale, I've left it in Brand. It still gives a good idea of the relative colours.

It doesn't tell you everything about the beers, just their bare bones. When we look at the ingredients next time, a little more of their character will be revealed. What fun.

1960 DDR Beer specifications
Category Type OG º Plato app. Attenuation Difference between apparent output and apparent final degree attenuation % max CO2 content % min colour Brand
Einfachbier Jung- und Braunbier 2.9 to 3.1 - - - 15 to 20
  Dunkel 5.8 to 6.2 over 65 5 0.35 12 to 30
  Malzbier 5.8 to 6.2 over 55 5 0.35 12 to 30
  Hell 5.8 to 6.2 over 75 5 0.35 1.2 to 2
Schankbier Weissbier 8.7 to 9.3 75 to 80 2 1.12 2 to 3
Vollbier Hell 11.0 to 11.5 over 75 5 0.38 to 0.9
  Dunkel 11.0 to 11.5 over 68 5 0.38 12 to 30
  Doppel-Caramelmalzbier 11.7 to 12.3 - - 0.35 12 to 30
  Malznährbier 11.7 to 12.3 25 to 40 - 0.35 12 to 30
  Köstritzer Schwarzbier 11.7 to 12.3 over 70 7 0.35 over 30
  Deutsches Pilsner 12.5 to 13.0 over 73 4 0.38 to 0.8
Starkbier Weisser Bock or Bockbier Hell 15.7 to 16.3 over 68 4 0.38 1 to 2.5
  Dunkler Bock or Bockbier Dunkel 15.7 to 16.3 over 69 6 0.38 8 to 20
  Deutsches Porter 17.7 to 18.3 over 64 6 0.38 over 20
1960 TGL7764, page 4.




Steve D. said...

This is entire{oops}ly off-topic, but I want to learn how the Netherlands Brewers Guild reacted to the Allies landing in France in June 1944 and began marauding north toward where they were.
Were they having to set aside as much of their output for the Wehrmacht?
Were they concerned their brewing equipment would have been seized by the retreating Germans?
Did they believe they would probably have to set an equal amount of production for the Allied soldiers?
You have left this subject off in abeyance for sometime now; and I am beginning to concern you are not going to return to it.

Anonymous said...

Interesting. Any details why the 6P Einfach Hell would be darker than the Vollbier Hell?

Eric Branchaud said...

In looking at the various styles, my guess is that one point on the Brand scale is probably about half of an SRM.

Can't wait for more on these.