Tuesday 30 June 2020

A new book

I've just knocked out a little book on IPA. Not a definitive book, by any means. Just a snapshot of UK IPA around the time of WW II.

This slim volume will tell you all you need to know about IPA during WW II. And, as a spacial bonus, there are a couple of dozen home brew IPA recipes.

If you're interested in IPA and WW II this is the book for you:

Currently it's only available in Kindle format. There will be a paperback Lulu version when O can be arsed.

1 comment:

Raoul Duke said...

Nice one Ron - just as I started to wonder when your book on WWII will be finished.
Also just in time for the holiday season! You'll soon see a(nother) happy beer geek reading about watery beer while lying in a hammock on a campsite..!!!