Which their copywriters were happy to exploit:
“In Sunderland everyone in the know getting it in for Christmas!
We’ll tell you why...
If there is one thing that will assuredly make your Christmas a happy one, it‘s Tennants Gold Label Barley Wine. For months the Gold Label that's now on sale has lain maturing in ripe old casks. It’s been watched over, inspected, then finally passed as perfect for Christmas. And perfect for Christmas it certainly is, with its bright-as-tinsel sparkle, its beaming amber glow, its clean deeply satisfying flavour. Every party and every home will be the merrier for a few bottles of Gold Label. So, now that you are 'in the know’, get in your supply. Father Christmas rather expects it of you!
It's a special brew of good wholesome beer!
Local Distributor: ARCHIBALD TOWER & CO. LTD.
Brandling Park, Felling-on-Tyne.
Tel: Felling-on-Tyne 82535.”
Sunderland Daily Echo and Shipping Gazette - Wednesday 08 December 1954, page 10.
Note the emphasis once more about how long Gold Label had been aged. And how clear and well-carbonated it was. Yes, I’d be merrier with a few Gold Labels in me on Christmas morning. This year I’ll just have to make do with St. Bernardus Abt. Poor me.
“In Sunderland everyone 'in the know' is making sure of a Happy Christmas!
We'll tell you how..
There's a Happy Christmas twinkling inside every bottle of Tennants Label Barley Wine. Buy a dozen or of these cheerful tokens of goodwill then your Christmas will be the best ever! Every one of your Gold Labels will pour clear and bright into its glass. Every one will sparkle as merrily as frost on Santa's whiskers. And every one will taste clean to your palate. Gold Label is carefully matured in selected casks. Over the months it develops its rich amber colour, its sparkle and its full mellow flavour. Now that you're ‘in the know’ make sure of your Christmas happiness. Make sure of it before the next caroller knocks at your door.
It's a special brew of good wholesome beer!
Local Distributor:
Brandling Park, Felling-on-Tyne.
Tel: Felling-on-Tyne 82535."
Sunderland Daily Echo and Shipping Gazette - Friday 17 December 1954, page 10.
If you’re wondering Felling-on-Tyne is part of Gateshead on the south bank of the Tyne. “Cheerful tokens of goodwill” I’ll have to remember that one. Dolores, I’m just getting myself another cheerful token of goodwill from the fridge.

“In Monmouth everyone ‘in the know’ will welcome 1955 with it!
We'll tell you why...
About the time you were enjoying your summer holiday Tennants were putting down a good supply of their Gold Label Barley Wine — with an eye to the New Year. All through autumn it has been lazily maturing in mellow old casks. Now it’s ready for your celebrations. Its deeply satisfying, clean-to-the-palate flavour has reached perfection. The brilliant sparkle's there and Gold Label’s rich amber glow is waiting to excite your eye. If you're having a party Tennants Gold Label Barley Wine will delight everyone, and help things go with a swing. If you prefer a quiet New Year's Eve, a Gold Label won't disturb your memories — but it will enrich them.
It’s a special brew of good wholesome beer!
Local Distributor:
Tel: Cheltenham 5158.
(and at TEWKESBURY), Tel; Tawkesbury 2233.”
Monmouthshire Beacon - Friday 24 December 1954, page 3.
As it had a minimum of 6 months in cask, the claim that it was laid down during the summer holidays is true. A few crates of Gold Label certainly would have made a party swing. At least until everyone started falling over and vomiting. Gold Label wouldn’t disturb your memories? Erase them, more like.
Have you posted on this fact in other blog entries? "The colour of beer, other than Stout, was mostly derived from sugar, not malts."
pretty sure I've said something similar several times.
Dave, it's quite clear from several years worth of recipes and logs! :D
I can understand that they used to put sugar in all beers apart from Stout, but I don't see how something that is colourless when dissolved would affect the colour (or override the colour of the malt), or is it because brown or raw sugar has something that makes it colourful. I would also have thought that most of the sugar would have been converted to alcohol as I'm sure Yeast would prefer sugar to starch (though thats just me assuming stuff).
Keep up the good work.
you're thinking of table sugar. Brewing sugar is a totally different beast. No. 3 invert is 70 SRM.
Awesome thanks, thats given me something to investigate. At the Beer Academy they never mention brewing sugar, I shall bring it up on the next course.... (they do mention your website though).
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