Saturday 27 March 2021

Let's Brew - 1896 Rose AK

You’ll have to get used to seeing AK recipes. There are loads more to come. If only to prove how common the name was.

Remember me mentioning that Boddington’s version was the most northerly I’d come across? Well, I was wrong. As Malton, where Rose were located, is a good bit north of Manchester.

Rose AK was at about the top of the gravity range for an AK, most being under 1050º. Another of their Pale Ales, B, filled the gravity slot usually occupied by AK, having a gravity of 1046º.

The impact of the 1880 Free Mash Tun Act can be seen in the presence of some flaked rice in the grist. In the early days of adjuncts flaked rice seems to have been preferred. Though that didn’t last long, being supplanted by flaked maize. An ingredient which was almost universally adapted in the 20th century.

As was common, multiple base malts were employed. 75% from English barley, the rest from “foreign” barley. Both, however, would have been malted in the UK. Foreign could signify a whole host of locations: California, the Middle East, Hungary, Chile, Australia. Pretty much anywhere in the world malting-grade barley could be grown.

The three types of hops were Sussex (1894 harvest), Hallertau (1895) and Worcester (1895). I’ve guessed Fuggles for the latter two. They could have been something more Goldings-like. The Hallertau were also used as dry hops.

1896 Rose AK
pale malt 9.50 lb 84.44%
flaked rice 0.75 lb 6.67%
No. 2 invert sugar 0.75 lb 6.67%
white sugar 0.25 lb 2.22%
Fuggles 130 mins 1.25 oz
Fuggles 60 mins 1.00 oz
Hallertau 30 mins 1.00 oz
Hallertau dry hops 0.50 oz
OG 1051.5
FG 1014.5
ABV 4.89
Apparent attenuation 71.84%
IBU 41
Mash at 154º F
Sparge at 175º F
Boil time 105 minutes
pitching temp 59º F
Yeast Wyeast 1469 West Yorkshire Ale Timothy Taylor

1 comment:

StuartP said...

You could file all these old AK recipes under the heading 'proper beer'.