Interested in listening to a fat, old English (soon to be Dutch) bloke? Get in touch.
First two week in March. Or so.
Oh. And buy my books.

Buy a signed paperback edition of the Homebrewer's Guide to Vintage Beer. For locations inside Europe.
Buy a signed paperback edition of the Homebrewer's Guide to Vintage Beer. For the USA, Canada, Australia and other locations outside Europe.
Make your birthday special - by brewing a beer originally made on that date.
For a mere 25 euros, I'll create a bespoke recipe for any day of the year you like. As well as the recipe, there's a few hundred words of text describing the beer and its historical context and an image of the original brewing record.
Just click on the button below.
Does Texas count? I mean, it's not the midwest, but its close-ish.
Come to Texas and have a beer and some BBQ with us!
See you in Minnesota?
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