Just as well I'm in no rush. Noel Hart is picking me up at midday to drive me out to DeFalco's, the home brew shop where I'm having an event. It's always fun watching random US TV.
I particulalry enjoy the adverts for prescription drugs. Where thye say how miraculous it is then quickly rattle through a list of side effects, including such minor things as stroke, heart attack or death. They always make me smile.
When I get to DeFalco's I realise something: all the strip malls in Houston are painted the same sand colour.
The event is in a back room. I say event, it's really just me chatting about beer and trying to sell books. That's becoming the story of my life. They've brewed up some recipes from the book so I do get to drink beer, too. There's a 19th-century Whitbread X - always love those old Mild recipes. If only because they're nothing like Mild as it's now understood.
I always enjoy a nice Scottish IPA. And 1885 Younger XP certainly plugs that hole in my dyke. It's another good style for confusing the unwary, Scottish IPA. The 1900 Grätzer proves once again what a cracking - and seriously negelected - style it is.
I'm given a rather cool Foam Rangers badge, the shape and size of a sheriff's badge.Thanks.
It's a pretty relaxed couple of hours. But my belly is calling. I'm taken to The Hay Merchant, a beer bar crammed with what mostly looked like young things. It's hard to tell when the lights are low and you're as old as me.
Maybe you can check on the photo:
Hard to tell when everyone has their back turned, isn't it?
Let's try with this one. Bit blurry, but at least a few are facing the right way:
Fairly young crowd. Look at those beards.
I get a tour of the cellar. As you can see, they have one or two draught beers:
I leave pretty early. Or rather I'm driven back fairly early hen I start nodding off and dribbling down my shirt. Still not totally at home in this time zone. Couldn't possibly be anything to do with drinking beer for hours on end.
Tomorrow it's my luxury flight to glamourous Birmingham, Alabama. Need to be at my freshest.
Defalco's Homebrew
9223 Stella link Rd.
Houston, TX 77025
The Hay Merchant
1100 Westheimer Rd
Houston, TX 77006.
Buy my book:

The Home Brewer's Guide to Vintage Beer
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