620 pages of non-stop fun. That's two Jeffrey Archer novels. Or Porter!, the longest book ever written about Britain's oldest style. In detail that will send even the most seasoned archivist into a coma, I explore the beer that made London famous. For beer. Table after table after table. Poor jokes, a bit of pretension, quite a few typos and the old insult thrown at style nazis.
And recipes. More than 100. I lost count. Stacks of the bloody things. From 1804 to 1962. All but a handful, I haven't published before.
It's a doorstep of a book. You could always use it to knock a burglar unconscious. And what better present for a loved one? Perhaps for that special woman in your life*.
Buy "Porter!" now. You won't regret it. Well, perhaps not immediately. When the credit card bill arrives.
Buy "Porter!" now.
Buy "Porter!" now.
Shouting. What better way to sell?
* I assume the vast majority of my readers are male. I apologise to any female readers. And homosexuals. I should have just added man to that sentence, shouldn't I?
… Unless Martyn Cornell can persuade me there are only three …
Two. Beer and ale. All the rest is quibbling.
Beer, Ale and Pale Ale.
I thought you meant I should buy one for my mum.
@Martin: Ale is the only one that's truly British!
Beer is a despicable Flemish invention which perverts good English malt by flavoring it with a pernicious weed.
And I'll wag my codpiece at any knave who denies it! :)
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