I'm just back from god's country. No, not Yorkshire. Franconia. (Try counting the crucifixes and you'll understand how literally true that is.)

To be honest, I'm a bit knacked. My train rolled into Amsterdam Zuid just after 11 o' clock last night. Despite cramming several pigs and half a dozen barrels of beer into my fragile frame, I'd managed to lose a kilo. The Franconian Diet. Could be the next big thing. At a kilo per five days, I'd only need to stay there a year to hit my ideal weight.
Over the next week, I'll tediously recount every sausage, seidla and schnapps. I don't expect to entertain, just record events for posterity. My version of events.
This is my blog. I can, and do, write whatever the flip I want. That's why blogging is so much better than proper journalism. Where some twat tells you what to write, then changes it afterwards. No-one, neither editor, nor proprietor nor advertiser stands between me and thee.
That looks like a proper breakfast in that photo.
More like a between-meals snack.
Do you recognise whose leg it is protruding from those dodgy shorts?
Hi Ron,
I tried to find you at the Annafest but failed, sadly. I even wore a shirt that said 'Shut up about Barclay Perkins' on the back. Oh well. This blog is where I first read about the Annafest and your guide helped me a lot. So thanks.
Now off to explore Bamberg!
-Aaron Brown
I don't for certain (I'd be very worried if I did recognise someone based on part of a hairy knee!), but would I be right in guessing it's a certain Bier-Maniac?
Barry, close, but not quite right.
Crap. I'm even trying to figure if I recognise the camera, but I can't concentrate with that perfectly formed Knödel in the picture...
Put me out of my misery. Do I actually know this knee? :D
Barry, that's Jeffo's knew.
I never had the pleasure of sitting on said knee...
Aaron, what with the crowds, it's no surprise you couldn't find me. If I'd spotted your T-shirt, I'd have definitely come over and spoken to you.
What's the round thing on the plate?
An apple? An uncommonly round portion of mash? Sticky rice? A peeled swede or turnip?
John, that's a Kloß, a sort of dumpling. Very nice it was, too.
Schweinshaxe, token greens, and Kloß. A proper German bar snack!
I'm not jealous at all. Next year maybe...
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