It's slightly discouraging that tables set for diners are elbowing to one side thos for drinkers. Maybe it really is more of a restaurant than a pub.
I almost forgot to mention the most important feature: draught korenwijn. From an oak barrel. Not sure how long the korenwijn's been in the barrel, but it still looks impressive.
Mike wants to talk about Inspector Morse, so no time to take any more notes. Sorry.
I'm back. Mike is chatting to the barman about oude jenever. There is a downside. No decent jenevers other than the draught one. Presumably because that's all the distillery that owns them makes.
On the beer front, they've Brand Pils, Brand Urtyp and two guests on draught plus half a dozen bottles.
Herberg Hooghoudt
Reguliersgracht 11
1017 LJ Amsterdam
Tel. 020-4204041
Opening times
Tue - Sat 17:00 -
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