"Which gaps might those be?" The two decades of the 20th century so far unrepresented in my Mega-Gravity Table. The 1980's and 1990's. I've started on with the oldest Good Beer Guide I own, 1983. My guess is that it only contains around 500 beers. With any luck that shouldn't take more than a week.
This seems a good point to renew my call for volunteers. "What do you want us to volunteer for?" Transcribing the gravities and ABV's from part of an old Good Beer Guide. I don't even expect you to do a whole one. Just a couple of letters. Every little helps. This is an example spreadsheet
I've just thought of something else for which I need help. Colours. I have beer colours in a few different formats. Many are in lovibond, but a 1 inch column rather than the 0.5 inch column used today. Anyone any idea how I can convert these figures to EBC? Whitbread uses another variation of 1 inch lovibond, with numbers for brown and red. Help converting these would be handy, too.
I've finally started on the 1993 Real Ale Drinker's Almanac, which should help fill your 90s gap. As with the GBG data, I'm sticking to breweries beginning with C, D and E again - otherwise you'd be waiting for months...
Tom, that's brilliant.
I'm about half way through the 1983 GBG. I've just ordered the 1980, 1981, 1982 and 1984 guides. Looks like I'm concentrating on the 1980's.
I'm still on it. I've ordered used/cheap copies of the 1999 and 2001 guides. I've also got the 2008 guide to work on.
Mark, thanks so much. I really appreciate yours and Tom's contributions.
Hi Ron,
If you haven't figured this one out yet...I found this:
EBC = 1.97 * SRM (which is close to Lovibond
Sorry I didn't finish that post properly...not sure I trust that formula as I didn't think it was that linear....hmmm, will dig at get back.
And here is the proper link
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