I notice the first Zoigl sign 100 metres before we pull up at our hotel. Sadly, it's swung flat against the wall. No Zoigl there today.
Zum Waldnaabtal
Marktplatz 1 in Neuhaus,
92670 Windischeschenbach.
Tel. +49 (0)9681 / 37 11

Andy takes us over to look at Windischeschenbach. We're staying in its twin town of Neuhaus. The two are separated by a rushing stream. Twin towns is a slight overstatement. The two combined make a pretty small town. Windischeschenbach does at least have a small high street lined with shops. At the end of it we spot the Zoigl trailer. It reminds me of a muck spreader. This is how the wort is transported from the communal brewhouse to the private homes where it's fermented. This is so exciting. Even though it's just sitting by the side of the road. I spot three or four pubs. The plan is for Andy to drive us back over here in about an hour. We should have somewhere to drink.

I have my first glass of Zoigl in front of me. It's a shape of mug I've never seen before - low, wide and with a pattern of raised half spheres. Like the bottom half of a dalek. Andy looks at it with longing I reserve for brewery yards. "Do you really want to go to Windisch tonight? We could just stay here." I can see how his mind's working. I've barely said yes and he's already halfway down his first beer. I can't say I blame him. That Pilsner Urquell tour was enough to drive a teetotaller to drink.
Romantic that I am, I'd expected Zoigl to come straight from a barrel. Having it served by top pressure robbed me of another illusion. Quite a lot of top pressure, too. Maybe they're getting close to the end of the barrel. I've once had Zoigl before - bottled, 18 months ago (thanks again Sebastian). It was absolutely wonderful, like a really good Franconian Kellerbier. This one is disappointing in comparison. Far from bad, just not as good as my first. (Isn't the same true of most everything? The first is always the most memorable.)

We're the only customers in the pub. The landlord's daughter comes over. She tells Andy that she can take us to the Zoigl house now. It isn't far. Just next to where Andy's parked the minibus opposite the hotel. It looks just like all the other houses in the

He takes us to see his brewery. It's in quite a small room adjacent to the courtyard entrance. Along one wall is an open fermenter. There's a healthy-looking scum on top of it. On the oppsite wall are stainless steel lagering tanks. The whole space is smaller than my bedroom. And I don't live in a palace.
Here's what he told me about the brewing process.
- the beer is left in the coolship in the communal brewery overnight and transported to someone's house the next morning
- primary fermentation is at 6-8º C and lasts 7 days

- he brew 22 hl 10 times a year
"Do you want to see my Zoiglstube?" Are bears catholic? Course we blooming do. It's behind the brewing area, along one side of the inner courtyard. "It used to be a barn" There's enough agricultural equipment lying around the yard to convince me this is still a genuine farm. Diversification really is the name of the game in rural Bavaria.

Mrs. Brewer/Farmer comes in and has a short but totally incomprehensible conversation with Mr. Brewer/Farmer. His German was pretty normal when he spoke to us just now. This is full-strength dialect. I literally don't understand a single word. Just as well he made an effort with us.

We return to the hotel. It's really livened up in the bar. There's an old couple in one corner. Time to eat. There's lots of tempting rustic fare on the menu. Andy and Jim order some meat extravaganza made for two. It sounds like it's going to be an awful lot of food. I pick something that sounds as if it can be eaten by one normal person.

Andy and Jim's food arrives. It's on a plate only slightly smaller than our table. For two? It looks like enough to feed everyone in the pub. There's no way they'll eat all of that. I'm pretty convinced of my ability to polish off my much more modest meal. Filled dalek glasses keep appearing, but are soon emptied. Andy orders a Weizen. What's wrong with him? You can drink Weizen anywhere, but not Zoigl.

The day has been long and varied. Seeing both bits of a Zoigl operation has been exciting. It contrasts nicely with (and makes up for) the mind-aching tedium of Pilsner Urquell. Tomorrow is my last day on the tour. Will it be an anticlimax? The next installment will reveal all.
Hmm...Zoigl being not what it's cracked up to be. Surprise! It's just the local beer, brewed the way they've always brewed it, even if this is in a different way than the rest of the world has brewed beer in the last century or so.
Mail order bride, eh?
Anyway, something to be said of whirlwind tours, maybe? I found one Zoigl beer to be tasty, the first one after a long bike ride on a day into Zoiglland, in Falkenberg, but the others in Windescheschenbach that weekend were just lame. But that's just me, and just one weekend, and the beer varies, and...and...meh.
But I live to be a beer Killjoy.
I went back to Windischechenbach the day the tour ended in Bamberg and it was Zoigl night!
I also have 25 litres going to London next week.
Not so whirlwind eh?
has a star of David and "Zoigl" painted on it
That's not a Star of David, of course, it's the ancient alchemical sign representing earth, air, fire and water, used by brewers since the Middle Ages - but I'm sure you all knew that ...
Zythophile, I was just using descriptive shorthand.
There was one question I didn't dare ask - what happened in the Nazi period? Did they continue to use a six-pointed star as the Zoigl sign?
Great question.
I'm fairly certain the beer I had at Schlosshof-Zoigl in Windischeschenbach was served via gravity, the others were CO2.
Funnily enough I liked the CO2 versions better - but all were really good for mine.
Hello Lachlan,
I was at Schlosshof on Sunday 20 April.
Served by Zapfanlage and not gravity. 100% on that, sad but true but I also look at things like this! The beer was also served by a nice chick, always improves the beer eh? Don't tell Mr Schlosshof that, he looked pretty hard.
I was so knackered after the tour I could hardly drink a pint! I did have 3 at Oberpfälzer Hof earlier though.
Cheers anyway.
lucky you. Try not to upset the locals.
Which of the Zoigl's did you like best?
Damn, wrong again!
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