It's the turn of Mild Ale. In the period we're looking at today, Mild was the most popular type of beer, outselling Bitter by 3 to 1 or more. So not a bad choice for making general comparisons.
The sample sizes were 34 Scottish Milds and 101 English. Once again, I removed some of the weaker Scottish beers without English equivalents (strength-wise). The average gravity of the two sets is almost identical so I believe the comparison to be a fair one. Shall we take a look?
And what fascinating reading it makes. The hopping rates are as good as identical, Scotland 1.91 lbs per barrel, England 1.9 lbs. There are no significant differences in boil times or pitching temperature, either. The only difference is in attenuation.
Intrguing stuff, you have to admit. As I expected, it's turning out to be much more complicated than just "English beer was hoppier than Scottish beer". Strong Ale tomorrow.
Those buggers from England had healthier yeast and or better fermentation practices...all else being nearly equal
My notion of what beers "should" be like, based on completely subjective stuff in my head, has always been that Scottish light should be lighter-bodied and drier than mild. Interesting to see that refuted.
mrbowenz, I would be careful with the FG's. Some of the figures are cleansing rather than racking fgravities.
Barm, there have been so few real examples to try, I've never really got the feel for any difference between Scottish Light and English Mild.
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