This note, stuck inside a Barclay Perkins brewing log, gives details of the dry-hopping scheme for the bottled version of KK.
"4 oz Saaz after 4 or 5 days rolling" What a great description. I remember being told that they used to regularly roll casks of Russian Stout around the brewery yard. I wonder if anyone still does that?
Barclay Perkins seemed to like using Saaz for dry-hopping their Strong Ales. I wonder why?
Ron, I think the answer is in this detailed article from Charles Graham, whom we have seen before:
He states that Saaz hops are the best quality anywhere and should be reserved for "after fermentation" (dry hopping in the barrel) due to their extra-fine flavour. He discusses other German hops for their best uses including Spalt and Hersbruck, names still used today. In general he has a high opinion of German hops, but also of the best English varieties.
In his article, he states that in both Germany and England hops are boiled with the wort but finds intriguing that the Germans sometimes use hops in the mash tun and fermenter. I believe this the first time I have ever read of such practices.
Interesting. I have found with the few times I've tried dry hopping with Saaz and with the beers I've tried from other homebrewers that it produced an unpleasant green, grassy character.
"the Germans sometimes use hops in the mash tun and fermenter. I believe this the first time I have ever read of such practices."
I've never heard of this either, and I really can't see the advantage of adding hops to the mash. Putting hops into the fermenter sounds risky as hops can affect the action of the yeast. Are we sure he's right in waht he's reporting?
Rod, beers like Berliner Weisse - where often there was no boil - had their hops added to part of the mash being boiled during a decoction.
So they dryhopped with 4 oz of Saaz and 4 oz of Champion? I took the Champion to mean goldings. I am reminded of something I found in JA Nettleton " A Study of the History of the Art of Brewing" "Stock ales should use a certain proportion of fine Bavarians or others of equal quality. Ales with these hops have a freshness of aroma even after long keeping that goldings and worcester lack." I also gather from your find that they substituted hops from Alsace for Saaz.
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