There's a pretty big variation between the different titles. Some sell much better than others. Some don't sell at all. Macbeth! being a good example. Only one copy exists. The one I got for myself.
Which means no-one owns all my books. Because I've given away several personal copies and not replaced them.
This may sound weird, but I don't know how many books I've written. 30-odd, I think. More if you count each edition of Yule Logs!!!!, which is completely different every year.
I'd be interested to see who owns the most of my books. Will it be me?
Comment with your count. There's a special prize for the winner - though I will expect photographic evidence.
The Home Brewers Guide to Vintage Beer
1909 Beer Style Guide
Vol VIII: Trips! (West)
Lets Brew!
Hmmm...think I've got six. One for each of the British beer styles, the 1909 style guide, and a PDF guide to pubs in Southern Germany.
I'll open the bidding at 6 (six)
- Porter
- Bitter
- Strong
- Mild Plus
- Scotland v2
- Let's Brew
Physical copies of Scotland!, Scotland! vol 2, Mild!, Let's Brew.
Electronic copies of Decoction! Guide to Vintage Beer, 1909 Beer Style Guide.
So that = seven.
- Porter!
- Mild! plus
- 1909 Beer Style Guide
- Scotland!
- Strong!
- Let's Brew!
- Homebrewers Guide to Vintage Beer
1. Let’s Brew
2. Scotland 2
3. Strong
4. Homebrewer’s guide to vontage beer
5. Numbers
6. Yule Log 2017
7. 1909 Beer Style Guide
8. Bitter
9. Decoction
10. Draught
11. Lager
12. Mild Plus
13. Peace
14. War
15. Porter
16. Scotland
No.1-6 as proper hard copies and No.7-16 electronic copies. 16 all together!
Actually I'm on at least seven too as I also have the proper home brewing book.
I’ve got Decoction!, Scotland!, Porter!, Bitter!, London!, Brown Beer, Numbers!, Mild!, 1909, 1955 Brewing Book and The Home Brewer’s Guide to Vintage Beer. I still need to buy more though.
I have 10 physical copies of your books:
1)Let's brew
5)Mild Plus!
6)1909 Style Guide
8)Brown Beer
10) Homebrewer's Guide to Vintage Beer
Oops, make that 11 physical copies, as I somehow forgot my copy of Scotland Vol. 2 that I bought in person!
1)Let's brew
5)Mild Plus!
6)1909 Style Guide
8)Brown Beer
10) Homebrewer's Guide to Vintage Beer
11) Scotland Vol. 2
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