Wednesday, 6 November 2024

Let's Brew Wednesday - 1880 Chapman X

Another Chapman beer today. I've just spent a whole day writing up my Cairo trip. The another posting them out for the next week or so.

Unlike London brewers, who had mostly cut back to just a single Mild Ale by this point, Chapman still brewed a range of X Ales. This being the weakest of the set.

As was typical for Mild Ales at the time, there’s not much to the grist. It’s just base malt and sugar. There is some interest in the base malt, as there are two types. The majority is made from Saale, that is German, barley.

The sugar is described as “Pale Ref”. Not sure what that might be and have substituted No. 1 invert.  Whatever, the result is a pretty pale beer. Which is similar in colour to their Pale Ales.

Just the two types of hops: Kent from 1878 and Californian from 1879. No dry hops.

1880 Chapman X
pale malt 6.50 lb 68.42%
No. 1 invert sugar 3.00 lb 31.58%
Cluster 90 mins 1.00 oz
Fuggles 30 mins 1.00 oz
OG 1051
FG 1006
ABV 5.95
Apparent attenuation 88.24%
IBU 30
SRM 7.5
Mash at 145º F
Sparge at 167º F
Boil time 90 minutes
pitching temp 58.5º F
Yeast WLP023 Burton Ale



Iain said...

Which Chapman is this brewer? There was Chapman & Co. brewing at the Black Lion Brewery in Brighton, but the use of Kemp Town labels makes me wonder whether these are Harry Chapman in nearby Worthing?

Ron Pattinson said...

It's the Black Lion Brewery in Brighton.