Monday 8 April 2024


I rise at 8:30. Not exactly feeling totally refreshed.

Downstairs, it’s the same breakfast as always. I sit with Jos Brouwer.

It’s much quieter today, as many of the judges have either left or moved to a cheaper hotel. I only recognise a handful of faces.

I’ve arranged to meet Rafael for lunch. We’re meeting at 13:00 in the lobby. Which leaves me three hours or so to laze around the room. I can do with a bit of leisure time. And the opportunity to write up yesterday’s fun.

Down in the lobby there are quite a few judges, including Thomas Sjoberg and Shweta. They’re going to Xanadu, which they missed out on yesterday as it was closed. They disappear off in an Uber, while Rafael picks up me and Jos.

When we get to Beer Vila there’s a band playing German music. Rather loudly. So loud, that just after getting our beers, we move to further away so it’s easier to chat.

I kick off with an Enigma Gororoba, a Catherina Sour with passion fruit, amongst others. It’s very pink. Including the head. It’s OK, but as good as the one I had the other day. I get a caipirinha to go with it.

“Do you want to share some snacks?” Jos asks.


We get some polenta fries. Basically, polenta cut into chip shapes and deep fried. Quite nice. And not too heavy.

My next beer is Das Bier Morango & Maracuja. Another Catharine Sour with passion fruit. It’s not as pink and rather tastier than the last one. I wash it down with a caipirinha again.

The band has finished playing when the judges who’ve been to Xanadu show up. As we’re only on a four-seater table, we move back into the main part of the room.

Being a bit soured out, I plump next for a Dogma Hop Machina, an American Double IPA. It’s not bad in a citrussy and alcoholic way (it’s 8.5% ABV). Along with another caipirinha.

Various food is ordered. Though not by me. I don’t think I’m ready for food yet. Later, maybe.

The next band turns up. Judging by the long hair and leather, I’m guessing it’s a more rocky outfit. Which turns out to be true. Though, weirdly, they’re quite a bit quieter than the Schlager bunch. They play covers of rock classics.

The drummer really annoys me. He keeps just missing the beat whenever he does a frill. When they start playing Smoke on the Water, I listen carefully to the bass part. I’ve always found the guitar riff a bit lame. The bass riff on the original recording is way better. Sadly, that’s not what the bassist plays.

Time for more beer. I turn to the dark side with Invicta Black Cat, a Black IPA. It’s very dark. And quite roasty. Closer to a Stout than an IPA. But it tastes OK, so I don’t care. I also get a caipirinha to keep it company.

It’s getting late in the afternoon and some of the group go back to the hotel. While I finally order some food – a rosti filled with mince and cheese. It’s nice, but very rich and filling. I don’t manage to finish it off.

Four of us decide to go straight to the awards ceremony, sharing an Uber. The event was scheduled to start at 19:00 and we turn up half an hour or so later. There’s a big queue outside which we push past. Inside it’s still fairly quiet.

They’re serving the leftovers from the competition. Which means it’s a total lottery as to the quality of the beer. I have a rather oxidised Vienna Lager.

There are no seats. Not a single one. The best me and Jos can do is to sit on one of the speakers next to the stage. After a while, one of the organisation team approaches us. I think she’s going to tell us to not sit there. Instead, she invites us to the VIP room at the back.

Where they have seats. Well, stools, but it’s a lot better than nothing. And they’re serving Leopoldina Grape Ale. A waiter comes around with trays of canapés. This is so much more civilised.

At 20:15, there’s no sign of the ceremony beginning. I feel pretty tired. And it’s obvious that it will be hours before we’re done. I start to ask myself some pretty basic questions. Why am I here? What am I going to get out of this? Why don’t I fuck off back to the hotel?

The reality is this: I’d rather be lying on my hotel bed watching crap TV.

I say goodbye to Jos and make my way through the main hall. Which is getting pretty packed. Outside cars keep pulling up as people are still arriving.

I get an Uber in a couple of minutes. This is the main reason I bought a data sim: so I could escape from events without the need for wifi.

It’s quite a drive back. Twenty minutes or so.

My room is still quite cool. Because they didn’t leave my windows open today. The last couple of days it’s only been in the low to mid 20s. Still incredibly humid, but much more bearable.

Tonight, it’s Dupipe silver cachaça driving me to sleep.

After a couple of hours in bed I wake up feeling quite chilly. After the best part of a week, the airco has finally got down to the 17 C it’s set to. I turn it up to 20 C so I can sleep.

Choperia Bier Vila
R. Alberto Stein, 199
Sala 100
Velha, Blumenau
SC, 89036-900.

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