I've had very positive responses to an earlier post about 18th century brown malt. But, as usual, the story is much more complicated than it at first appeared. I'm now going to say much that directly contradicts the other post. Like I've said many times before, there's always lots more to learn.

Brewers could get any colour malt they wanted, not just pale, amber or brown, but any shade between. Either by malting themselves or by instructing the maltster exactly what colour they wanted. (Source: "The Art of Brewing and Fermenting" by John Levesque, 1836, pages 21-22.)
The kiln was heated slowly, the temperature slowly increasing over the first 12 hours. The intensity of the final temperature was determined by the type of malt being made. The malt went through each shade, starting at and ending up as high-dried brown, if the process was carried that far. "The drying is finished by a clear sweet fire, increasing the strength according to the colour required." "Coloured malt will require, towards the finish of the drying, some dry billet wood, of beech or birch" (Source: "The Art of Brewing and Fermenting" by John Levesque, 1836, pages 25-26.)

Early 19th century is described thus: "The qualities of the porter at present admired are, perfect brilliancy, a dark brown colour approaching to black, considerable bitterness, with a fine empyreumatic flavour, and a close creamy head. Without these requisites, porter is little valued." (Source: "A Practical Treatise on Brewing" by Thomas Hitchcock, London, 1842, page 46.)
Tell me if I'm wrong, but doesn't empyreumatic mean "smoky"?
I think it can encompass smells like tar, burnt wood, coffee, chocolate.
Medical Merriam-Webster gives it as being or having an odor of burnt organic matter as a result of decomposition at high temperatures
I love the research you are doing on this subject. So smoked porters and un-smoked porters alike are true to tradition? I like that. At the end of the day, I don't care much about beers holding to tradition as long as they are well-made and taste good, but I do love smoked beers, so I'm happy to see that traditional smoked porter isn't the same mythic type beast as the peat-smoked Scotch ale.
todd, there are no simple answers. Isn't that great?
I'm a big smoked fan myself. Noew how do we work out exactly how smoked these malts might have been?
Today I also found something about deliberately oaking beer in the 18th century.
oblivious, so smoky, then. Is that a good one-word description?
Another quick google for empyreumatic brings up:
(Chem.) The peculiar smell and taste arising from products of decomposition of animal or vegetable substances when burnt in close vessels.
myetymology.com says:
derived from the Greek word pur, πῦρ ('fire' (literally or figuratively, specially, lightning))
So perhaps burnt would be a better one word definition than smoky?
or perhaps that camping smell when you're clearing the embers and find those baked potatoes wrapped in tin foil you forgot about last night?
Love the blog - subscribed and everything. Not sure if I agree with the 'smoky' translation - I think 'burnt' may be more apt. This is based on the word (pyr.. isn't that related to fire, not smoke?), the definitions in dictionaries all talking about burnt odors, and that the earlier quote you gave said: "The drying is finished by a clear sweet fire...". A clear sweet fire sounds to me like the clean hot flame from well seasoned hardwood - not smoky. Some smoke, no doubt more than straw, but it sounds like they were trying to avoid it.
I don't think I'm splitting hairs too much here - coffee can be burnt tasting without being smoky.
I vote for Coffee, Chocolate meaning with MAYBE some smoke in the mix.
Ron -Remember that I thought the use of Chit malt was a result of the maltsters giving the brewers what they need to brew with for the Decoction mash method. It only make sense that a maltster would modify his malt to the needs and desires of the customer(brewer).
NO Peat Reek in my Scotch ales please!
"Pertaining to, or having the quality of, EMPYREUMA; tasting or smelling of burnt organic matter.
1669 W. SIMPSON Hydrol. Chym. 163 That fetid empyreumatic oyl which we see. 1746 R. JAMES Introd. Moufet's Health's Improv. 42 The Mass..is..of a disagreeable Smell, empyreumatic, bitter. 1791 HAMILTON Berthollet's Dyeing I. I. 1. v. 78 A dark coloured and empyreumatic phlegm. 1862 Cornh. Mag. VI. 607 One pipe..represents a dose of nicotine and empyreumatic oil." -- OED
oh, and "empyreuma" is "2. The ‘burnt’ smell imparted by fire to organic substances."
Have I been vindicated then?
Graham, in terms of the 19th century, yes. It looks to me as if sometime around 1800 they changed malting techniques.
It's a more complex topic than I think anyone realised. I keep finding new information that changes my opinion.
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