
Saturday 1 June 2024

Touring the USA

My recent trip to the USA was a great success. I gave a series of talks which were very well received. 

Which has got me thinking about a future trip. Doing something similar. Staying mostly in one fairly small geographic area, giving five or six talks over ten days or so.

The big question is: where?

I'm wide open to suggestions. As long as it's somewhere relatively easy to get to.

Fancy clubbing together with some other local brewers to set up a series of talks? And possibly brewing up some old recipes as accompaniment? Then get in touch.

I can speak on a wide range of historical topics. Porter, Stout, Mild Ale, IPA, Light Bitter, UK Lager, WW I, WW II, Scottish beer, Irish beer, Brettanomyces, Berliner Weisse, Dutch Lager styles, UK beer in general. To name a few.


  1. I vote for Los Angeles, hope to see you out here someday. I read one of your posts from when you came to California a few years ago. I had not heard of you, but you were literally just down the street from my house, I won’t miss you next time.

  2. Seattle, obviously.

  3. Yes, southwest, LA or Phoenix would be a near complete change to your normal surroundings in continental Europe! And think about all the things you can complain about!

  4. How about New England? We have more than just New England IPA, believe it or not!

  5. I thought about trying to get something going here in Montana, but then I read "As long as it's somewhere relatively easy to get to" and changed my mind. ;^) Besides the long plane ride, every city is usually around a hundred miles from the next closest one.

  6. Midwest? Cincinnat, Cleveland, Pittsburgh? Cincinnat has a huge German brewing heritage but our first brewers were British. I'd love to hear some beer history and maybe you can stoke the fire to brew more British beer here!

  7. Sheffield? I'd stand you a pint in' Bottom Wellie

  8. Come to Tampa, Florida
