
Sunday 2 June 2024

Georgia on my mind

With my flight at 13:00, I leave home at 9:45. Got to make sure I have some decent lounge time.

First call is at a mobile phone shop to get a sim for the US. It doesn't take long. Bizarrely, I get is a UK one. It has data for the USA, so it doesn’t really matter. The nice lady in the shop is happy to install it for me.

Security and passport control are a doddle and soon I'm in the duty free getting a bottle of Tomatin. It being about the cheapest single malt. I get half a dozen miniatures for the flight, too.

After that, it's straight to the lounge for my traditional brace of whiskies. Followed by a bit of breakfast - scrambled egg, mushrooms and sausages. Followed by a few more whiskies. All standard stuff.

As you never know what the meals on the plane will be like, I go for a second round of food. A cheese sandwich and some slices of cheese. You can never have too much cheese. Or free whisky.

It's not far to my gate, it being on F pier. They've just started boarding when I get there. I waltz straight on. Which is exactly how I try to time things.

When I checked in yesterday I had only 6 seat options. Mostly crap centre seats. The only aisle option was directly behind a bulkhead. At least it made sure I had decent legroom.

The flight isn't too terrible. I watch a few films (starting with a Korean one) and surreptitiously drink my miniatures. The food isn't too awful. I'm so done with KLM food. It's always the same couple of meals. Which weren't that nice the first time I had them.

Not sure what the Russian bloke sat next to me is up to. For large chunks of the flight, he’s out of his seat. Wandering free somewhere, I suppose. I’m not complaining. I get more room.

We arrive on time and the queues for immigration aren't too bad. My bag soon pops out onto the carousel. It's all going swimmingly so far.

There's a bit of a queue for a taxi. But nothing too crazy. Soon we’re zigzagging down the freeway. I find it’s better for my nerves not to pay too much attention to the surrounding traffic. Which behaves disturbingly erratically. Better to look at the billboards for personal injury lawyers. Who doubtless pick up much of their work from the roads.

The USA has a terrible record on road safety compared to Europe. With four times the number of deaths per head of population as the UK. Far more chance of being involved in an accident here. Best not to think about it. Least anxiety destroy the enjoyment.

My hotel isn't the nicest. But it was the cheapest. And I'm only here for one night. I can rough it a bit for one day.

After settling in for a while, I head off into the night. Having realised that Halfway Crooks isn't far away. Stan Hieronymus took me there last time in Atlanta and it was pretty cool.

It's surprisingly uncrowded for 8 PM on a Saturday night. I wonder why that is? 

I park the ball of flab that is my body at the bar and peruse the beer list. What to start with? What about and IPA? I am in the USA, after all. I plump for Hoptechnics. It’s pleasantly fruity, if a little hazy. Though, thankfully, not full-on sludge.

A few more punters have filtered in. Still not very busy, mind.

Second beer is Cassonade Quadrupel. Which is, er, a Belgian Quadrupel. The type of beer I drink the most back home in Holland. It’s full of alcoholey goodness, without being stupidly sweet.

I don't stay all that long. Just a couple of beers. Before retreating to my hotel at 9:30 PM for some hotel whisky.

Feeling a bit knacked, I turn in pretty early. The whisky soothes my way to slumber. 

Halfway Crooks
60 Georgia Ave SE,
GA 30312.

1 comment:

  1. here is an interesting reason as to RTC’s happen more often in the USA.

    Wonder what was KLM flight food like 50 even 40 years ago.
