This is an interesting one.
Payment of Wages on Licensed Premises.—Any licence holder who permits any wages to be paid to any workman (not being a workman bond fide employed by himself) upon his licensed premises, or in any office, garden, or place belonging thereto and occupied therewith, incurs a penalty not exceeding £20.
Brewers' Almanack 1915, page 316.
There was a simple reason for this. It was to stop workmen getting paid in a pub and spending all their wages before going home. Of course, this didn't apply to barstaff.
There were also strict rules about child performers in licensed premises. Though it was allowed under certain circumstances.
Employment of Children.—Any person who causes or procures any child, being a boy under the age of fourteen years or being a girl under the age of sixteen years, to be on any licensed premises, not being premises licensed according to law for public entertainment, for the purpose of singing, playing, or performing, or being exhibited for profit, or offering anything for sale, between 9 p.m. and 6 a.m., renders himself liable to a penalty not exceeding £25 or to imprisonment with or without hard labour for not more than three months. The local authority may from time to time by by-law extend or restrict the hours above mentioned.
Any person who causes or procures any child under the age of eleven years to be at any time on any licensed premises for the purpose of singing, playing, or performing, or being exhibited for profit, or offering anything for sale, renders himself liable to a penalty not exceeding £25, or to imprisonment with or without hard labour for not more than three months.
But it is provided that, in the case of premises licensed according to law for public entertainments, a petty sessional court may, under certain conditions, grant a licence permitting children over ten to take part in such entertainments.
Brewers' Almanack 1915, pages 316 - 317.
It was allowed to have child performers in places licensed for public entertainment. Which would, I suppose, include places like music halls. I wonder why there was an age difference between boys and girls? Seems a bit odd. The punishment is even harsher than for other offences, what with the possibility of three months hard labour. That wouldn't be any fun.