
Saturday, 22 February 2025

Let's Brew - 1895 Ny Carlsberg Lagerøl

It's always nice to publish some Lager recipes for a change. So I'm sticking with Carlsberg.

A massive percentage of the brewery’s output at this point was in the form of Lagerøl. Listed as “B” in the brewing record, which I’m guessing stands for Bayerskt: Bavarian. Because this is an attempt at a Bavarian-style Dark Lager.

The recipe is even simpler than for the Pilsner. Just base malt – in this case, Munich – and Hallertau hops. I’m going to struggle to spin much out of that. But that’s not going to stop me trying.

Note the pretty crappy rate of attenuation of under 70%. Low rates of attenuation were typical of 19th-century Lagers. It’s rare to come across anything that gets as high as the 75% which was fairly standard in the UK.

The hopping rate is very low compared to UK beers. It’s only about the equivalent of 1.75 lbs per quarter (336 lbs) of malt. Even the most lightly hopped Milds usually had at least 4 lbs per quarter.

As a Lager, this would, obviously, need some lagering. Three to three and half months you’d need for a beer of this gravity. Though I’m not sure the original got that.

1895 Ny Carlsberg Lagerøl
Munich malt 20L 13.75 lb 100.00%
Hallertau 180 mins 0.50 oz
Hallertau 60 mins 0.50 oz
Hallertau 30 mins 0.50 oz
OG 1057
FG 1018
ABV 5.16
Apparent attenuation 68.42%
IBU 18
SRM 19
Mash double decoction  
Boil time 150 minutes
pitching temp 51º F
Yeast Wyeast 2042 Danish lager

These are the decoction mash details:

Mash in at 35º C (95º F) 5 minutes
Warm whole mash to 52º C (126º F) 20 minutes
Rest whole mash at 52º C (126º F) (protein rest) 15 minutes
Draw off first mash and without a rest bring to the boil 30 minutes
Boil first mash 10 minutes
The rest of the mash remains at 52º C (126º F) 40 minutes
Mash at 70º C (158º F) 25 minutes
Rest whole mash at 70º C (158º F) (saccharification rest) 30 minutes
Draw off second mash and without a rest bring to the boil 15 minutes
Boil second mash 10 minutes
Mash at 76º C (169º F) and mash out 20 minutes


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