
Monday, 24 February 2025

Beer Guide to the 1970s (part fifty-two)

Are you still enjoying my trundle through the Big Six breweries of the 1970s? I'm not sure if I am or not.

We're still with Courage. And today's trio includes a brewery with a very special place in my heart: the former Holes brewery in Newark. The one responsible for the funny smell at my school's playing fields. As they used to boil about the same time as our morning break. It must have been far worse at the girls' grammar school as that was virtually next door to the brewery.

Courage (Alton)
Founded:    1841
Closed:            1979
Tied houses:    77

Bought by Courage in 1903 to brew their Pale Ale. Closed when Worton Grange came on line.

beer style format OG description
Alton Bitter Pale Ale draught 1040.7  

Courage (Bristol)
Founded:    1702
Closed:            1999
Tied houses:    1,459

Bought by Courage in 1961. The former George’s brewery.

beer style format OG description
Directors Bitter Pale Ale draught 1047 malty, distinctive
Best Bitter Pale Ale draught 1039 well hopped
Bitter Pale Ale draught 1030 bland

Courage (Newark)
Founded:    1870
Closed:            1983
Tied houses:    220

Bought by Courage in 1967. The only brewery at which I have worked.

beer style format OG description
AK Pale Ale keg 1037  
IPA Pale Ale keg   a former Warwick & Richardson beer
Owd Bill Old Ale keg   seasonal 
Harp Lager keg 1032.4  


I'm still plugging of my latest book, "Keg!". From which the above is an extract.

Get your copy of "Keg!" now!



  1. The Newark Brewery and the aroma drifting over the school sites.

    Here in OZ, my partner grew up in Sydney in the inner suburb of Ultimo in the 1930s and 40s. (she turned 90 last year).
    It was a poor suburb of terraced houses and every day she and her sister walked to school and back past the new Tooth's Kent brewery on Broadway - the brewery gate is still preserved as you might see on your visit - and they got a good whiff, it was just how the area smelled.

    Note the Kentish White Horse on the gateway.

    When I started brewing in 2008, in went the wort and hops and I boiled up... she ran into the garage and promptly burst into tears, seven years old again.

  2. How was the Owd Bill?

  3. They brewed Harp at Newark? That's really interesting. Did they have a proper lager brewery there?

    1. The Great Northern brewery in Dundalk in the late 1950’s was fitted out from being an ale and stout brewery to a lager brewery.

  4. I remember kegging it there. I was sort of assuming that it was brewed there, too. Maybe they just tanked it in.
