
Thursday 6 June 2024

To Asheville

I rise at 8:00, have a shower and then go downstairs for breakfast.

Not feeling that hungry, I go for a modest breakfast of two eggs and toast. It's about as much as I feel like eating. I ask for over easy. But they come out sunnyside up. That’s rather disappointing. Especially given the price.

I check out at just before 11:00 and get an Uber to the airport.

They really want you to get the message at Atlanta airport. Warnings about no firearms are on the floor. Announcements regularly boom out the same theme. There are even rotating holograms to really hammer it home: no firearms in security.

If so many warnings are needed, how often has someone just wandered up to security with an arsenal in their carry on? Obviously, very often. And it probably still happens. Quite often. Best not think about it too much. Like many things in the US.

I drop by a bar once airside. It's really odd having to pay for drinks in an airport. I'm so used to lounge access. A double Jack Daniels is $20. I only have the one. I’m not made of money, just flab and bile. And spend my time looking at the Guardian website on my phone.

What am I becoming? One of those annoying people who stare at their phone all day. In my defence, I only carry my phone with me when I’m travelling.

The flight is really short: we're only in the air 35 minutes. Yet it cost me over 300 euros. Totally extortionate.

Asheville airport is pretty small. From the carousel, where my bag quickly flops out, it’s only a few metres to the pickup point outside.

After 10 minutes or so Mike rolls up in his truck and whisks me back to his house, where I'm staying.

“Would you like a beer, Ron?”

Would I like a beer? Of course I would. Mike disappears down into the basement and returns with two dimpled mugs frothing with Stout. An XX Stout. Just my sort of thing.

After a couple of beers, we head to Diatribe, which is literally only just around the corner. We sit outside with owner Dave and discuss the brewing scene in Asheville. About which Mike is pretty pessimistic. He reckons there will be far fewer breweries in ten years’ time. Maybe only a dozen or so in the Asheville area.

I start with an American Porter, which is pretty tasty. Porter is one the styles that seems to have really gone out of fashion in the USA. Like Brown Ale. Though maybe not quite as bad. Brown Ale being pretty much totally extinct.

A couple of others join as we relax in the evening sunshine. And I get myself a Coffee Stout. Which isn't too crazy, thankfully. I'm just happy to see some dark beers on the menu.

We only stay for a couple. Then go off in search of tacos. Except everywhere has closed. Despite only being 9 PM. Instead, we dine on leftover pizza. Which is fine.

I don't make it late, turning in at 11 or so. No whisky to lull me to sleep tonight, sadly.

Diatribe Brewing Co.

1042 Haywood Rd,
NC 28806.



  1. American style brown ale lives on in Ireland, Rye River brown ale and Ballykilcavan Bambricks brown ale being two examples.

  2. Asheville is no different than the rest of the U.S. Much of the younger generation prefers hard seltzer over beer. It's pretty sad.

    1. Hard Seltzer that stuff is manky.
