
Saturday 25 May 2024

Let's Brew - 1932 Youngs Ale

As it's May, here's another Mild recipe. Obviously, the result of my recent trip to the Young's archive in London.

One of the hangovers from restrictions in WW I was a type of low-gravity Mild, usually called simply Ale or 4d Ale. The latter name referring to its price per pint. They were generally brewed to the minimum economically gravity of 1027º.

Such beers were generally brewed in smaller quantities than standard X Ale. Which at most breweries was the biggest seller.

The base malt consisted of mostly mild malt along with some pale malt made from Californian barley. The latter presumably there for its diastatic power. In addition, there’s an amount of crystal malt. I’m guessing to add body.

Other than that, there are three types of sugar. But no adjuncts, which were common at most breweries. The malt extract was there to add extra enzymes. The No. 3 invert for colour and flavour. And the caramel purely for colour. There may also have been extra caramel added at racking time for colour correction.

There were two types of Kent hops, both from the 1930 season. I’ve guessed that both were Fuggles. 

1932 Youngs Ale
pale malt 1.50 lb 24.94%
mild malt 3.50 lb 58.19%
crystal malt 60 L 0.50 lb 8.31%
malt extract 0.125 lb 2.08%
No. 3 invert sugar 0.33 lb 5.49%
caramel 1000 SRM 0.06 lb 1.00%
Fuggles 105 min 1.00 oz
Fuggles 30 min 0.75 oz
OG 1028
FG 1004
ABV 3.18
Apparent attenuation 85.71%
IBU 24
SRM 11
Mash at 152º F
Sparge at 170º F
Boil time 105 minutes
pitching temp 59º F
Yeast WLP002 English Ale

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