
Thursday 30 May 2024

Fullers vs Youngs Pale Ale processes in the early 1930s

We see the same differences in the processes as for the other styles. That is, the boiling times are shorter at Fullers. 30 minutes for the first copper and 15 minutes or the second.

The Fullers Pale Ales were all pitched a few degrees warmer. Though, unlike at Youngs, the temperature was different for each beer. The maximum temperatures are pretty similar, at around 70º F.

There’s quite a difference in the length of fermentation. Which was five days at Fullers but eight days at Youngs.

Fullers vs Youngs Pale Ale processes
Brewer Beer boil time (hours) Pitch temp max. fermen-tation temp length of fermen-tation (days)
Fullers AK 1.5 1.75 62º F   5
Fullers XK 1.5 1.75 63º F 66º F 5
Fullers PA 1.5 1.75 60.5º F 70º F 5
Youngs PAB 2 2 59º F 69º F 8
Youngs PA 2 2 59º F 69º F 8
Fullers brewing record held at the brewery.
Young's brewing record held at Battersea Library, document number YO/RE/1/1.





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