
Tuesday 28 May 2024

Fullers vs Youngs Pale Ale grists in the early 1930s

Pale Ales are a little different from the first two types. Very little differences, in the case of the malts.

There’s nothing but bas malt in all the beers. Though, in the case of Youngs, that took three forms: pale, PA and enzymic malt. Fullers Pale Ales also contained 15% flaked maize. Once again, the total malt content was higher at Youngs.

There’s no overlap at all in the sugars between the two beers. Fullers Pale Ales went for three types: No. 2 invert, glucose and intense. I assume the latter was a type of caramel.

At Youngs, there were just two types, a little malt extract and quite a lot of No. 1 invert sugar. No. 1 or No. 2 invert are exactly the type of sugar you would expect to find in a Pale Ale.

There’s a lot more sugar in the Youngs beers than the Fullers ones. Around four times as much. Then again, they weren’t using any adjuncts.

All English hops again. And all from the two most recent seasons. So pretty fresh. As you would expect in a hop-focussed beer,

What varieties were these hops? It’s difficult to say. The East Kents are probably Goldings or something similar. I wouldn’t really like to say around the rest. But just the law of averages suggests that at least some were Fuggles.

Fullers vs Youngs Pale Ale grists
Brewer Beer pale malt PA malt enzymic malt total malt flaked maize
Fullers AK 81.80%     81.80% 14.72%
Fullers XK 81.80%     81.80% 14.72%
Fullers PA 81.80%     81.80% 14.72%
Youngs PAB 27.86% 54.64% 3.21% 85.71%  
Youngs PA 27.86% 54.64% 3.21% 85.71%  
Fullers brewing record held at the brewery.
Young's brewing record held at Battersea Library, document number YO/RE/1/1.

Fullers vs Youngs Pale Ale sugars
Brewer Beer malt extract no. 1 sugar no. 2 sugar glucose intense total sugar
Fullers AK     2.18% 1.09% 0.20% 3.47%
Fullers XK     2.18% 1.09% 0.20% 3.47%
Fullers PA     2.18% 1.09% 0.20% 3.47%
Youngs PAB 2.86% 11.43%       14.29%
Youngs PA 2.86% 11.43%       14.29%
Fullers brewing record held at the brewery.
Young's brewing record held at Battersea Library, document number YO/RE/1/1.

Fullers vs Youngs Pale Ale hops
Brewer Beer hop 1 hop 2 hop 3
Fullers AK English 1929 English 1930  
Fullers XK English 1929 English 1930  
Fullers PA English 1929 English 1930  
Youngs PAB EK 1931 Kent 1930 Kent 1930
Youngs PA EK 1931 Kent 1930 Kent 1930
Fullers brewing record held at the brewery.
Young's brewing record held at Battersea Library, document number YO/RE/1/1.


  1. I assume Fuller’s grist’s were identical because they were parti-gyling them. I don’t know anything about You g’s brewery, but should I infer the same?

  2. I assume Fuller’s grist’s were identical because they were parti-gyling them. I don’t know anything about You g’s brewery, but should I infer the same?
