
Thursday 23 May 2024

Fullers vs Youngs Mild Ale grists in the early 1930s

Let’s take a look at each of the types of beer in more detail. Starting with Mild Ales.

The grists are quite different. Fullers only contains one malt, base pale malt. While Youngs contains three: pale, mild and crystal. And a higher malt content in total.  Only the Fullers Milds contain an adjunct, in the form of flaked maize.

The theme of looking very different continues with the sugars. Where they have no elements in common. Though I suppose that “intense” was a type of caramel. No. 3 invert is the sugar you would expect to find in a Mild. A combination of glucose and caramel, as in Fullers beers, might get you close.

On the other hand, the hops look very similar. Two types of English in each. And, in both cases, from the most recent season and the one before that.

Fullers vs Youngs Mild Ale grists
Brewer Beer Style pale malt Mild malt crystal malt total malt flaked maize
Fullers X Mild 80.84%     80.84% 14.03%
Fullers XX Mild 80.84%     80.84% 14.03%
Youngs A Mild 16.82% 64.86% 7.21% 88.89%  
Youngs X Mild 22.49% 58.48% 9.00% 89.97%  
Fullers brewing record held at the brewery.
Young's brewing record held at Battersea Library, document number YO/RE/1/1.

Fullers vs Youngs Mild Ale sugar
Brewer Beer malt extract no. 3 sugar glucose intense caramel total sugar
Fullers X     3.56% 1.57%   5.13%
Fullers XX     3.56% 1.57%   5.13%
Youngs A 2.40% 8.01%     0.70% 10.41%
Youngs X 3.00% 6.00%     1.03% 9.00%
Fullers brewing record held at the brewery.
Young's brewing record held at Battersea Library, document number YO/RE/1/1.

Fullers vs Youngs Mild Ale hops
Brewer Beer hop 1 hop 2
Fullers X English 1929 English 1930
Fullers XX English 1929 English 1930
Youngs A Kent 1930 CS Kent 1930
Youngs X Kent 1930 CS Sussex 1931
Fullers brewing record held at the brewery.
Young's brewing record held at Battersea Library, document number YO/RE/1/1.





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