
Thursday 24 August 2023


Having great fun today. Kicked off writing about my trip to the UK with the kids. Then onto tackling the hops section of "Keg!". A bit of writing and lots of playing with tables. Before you know it, the clock has rolled around to almost five o'clock.

The days just fly by. Unlike when I was a wage slave. Talking of working, I officially retired last week. At least in Holland. Not sure when it will be official in the UK. What do I feel? A great joy that I'll have to fucking work again.

Not for other people. I work every day for myself. But that's fun, so it doesn't feel like work. What freedom!

Now I just have to claim all mt many pensions.


  1. Congratulations!

  2. Take it from me, retirement is a full time job but somebody has to do it!

  3. The problem with retirement is that you no longer get holidays
