
Sunday 11 December 2022

I've taken the plunge

And started writing a book on London Stout. I like to have shorter books I can knock off quickly while I'm busy with something lengthier.

At the moment, that's my book on UK brewing 1880 to 1914. It's going to take a while to finish. Mostly on account of the hundreds of recipes required. I hope to finish it sometime in 2023. If I don't get too distracted.

The Stout book will fit in with other recent short books like AK! and Weisse! 100-odd pages about a narrowly-defined subject. 

When will it be released? When I finish it. Given that I've no travelling planned for the next few months, it may be early next year. Unless another shiny thing comes along to distract me.



  1. Isn't it about time to be collecting pieces of string and eggs?

  2. Anonymous,

    yes, you're right. It'll soon be string and egg day.
