
Friday 26 August 2022

Birthday recipe

Just to remind you of this amazing service I offer: an historic recipe of a beer brewed on your birthday. And, before you ask, I can do any date, 29th February, December 25th, January 1st, no problem

For a mere 25 euros, I'll create a bespoke recipe for any day of the year you like. As well as the recipe, there's a few hundred words of text describing the beer and its historical context and an image of the original brewing record.

Just click on the button below.


  1. Is there a chance to choose from breweries, should there be more than one for a certain day?

  2. Anonymous,

    for most dates there are at least 20 to 30 options, usually from half a dozen brewers.

    For example, these are the options more 8th May:

    1942 Barclay Perkins XLK 1035
    1918 Adnams PA 1033
    1905 Whitbread X 1053.5
    1905 Whitbread XK 1059.8
    1905 Whitbread FA 1049.6
    1906 Whitbread 2PA 1055.7
    1912 Whitbread IPA 1048.2
    1913 Whitbread FA 1048.8
    1958 Whitbread Forest Brown Ale 1033.4
    1827 Whitbread Keeping Porter 1057.1
    1850 Whitbread Keeping Porter 1059
    1901 Whitbread S Stout 1072.5
    1901 Whitbread SS Stout 1085.9
    1901 Whitbread SSS Stout 1095.7
    1912 Whitbread SS Stout 1082
    1912 Whitbread SSS Stout 1096.1
    1924 Whitbread London Stout 1054.4
    1941 Whitbread Mackeson Stout 1047.5
    1933 Lees K Mild 1035
    1945 Lees Bitter 1038
    1903 Boddington Stout 1052
    1917 Boddington XX Mild 1032
    1918 Boddington IPA 1038
    1939 Boddington IPA 1045
    1939 Boddington XX Mild 1033.5
    1957 Maclay Strong Ale 1077
    1957 Maclay PA 6d 1030
    1975 Maclay SPA 1034
    1940 Fullers Pale Ale 1048.3
    1940 Fullers XK 1036.5
    1940 Fullers AK 1029.1
    1939 Truman (Burton) B3 1056
    1939 Truman (Burton) Pale2 1047.4
    1939 Truman (Burton) 7 Mild 1041.3
    1939 Truman (Burton) XX Mild 1035.5
    1953 Truman (Burton) P1 Pale Ale 1044.6
    1953 Truman (Burton) P2 Pale Ale 1036.8
    1953 Truman (Burton) XX Mild 1030.7

  3. Hello. I live in Frome and after another museum tour and also another in Trowbridge I really want to brew the Lamb brewery double stout (or maybe the double oat stout). I cant seem to find any online records of recipes. Are they all lost after it shut down? National archives seem to be just meeting minutes? Any help?
