
Wednesday 25 December 2019

Drinkalongathon 2019 - gin and Grommet


Dolores has poured me a gin and tonic. With the cheapo gin she bought in Germany. She's been hiding it for the last couple of months, the gin. "Otherwise it wouldn't last five minutes." She said, looking at me accusingly. I've no idea what she means.

Wallace and Grommet are always relaxing. Much like a sin and tonic. Though slightly less alcoholic.

The duck is roasting away. Time to relax for an hour or so.

1 comment:

  1. I got beer glasses for Christmas. "Don't buy him beer, he's got loads, he makes it himself". Thanks! Several people appeared to think I needed several beer glasses. Why not buy me a bottle of whisky? Please! "I always buy you whisky". Yes and I like that.

    I found a bottle of Czech style pilsner I made about 30 months ago, in a flip-top bottle tucked away where I hadn't previously seen it. It was disgusting. Not helped by the extra-thick lip on the glass. Photo on Facebook, "I used your gift, thanks" not using those again.
