
Wednesday 1 November 2017

Autumn sale

Yes. I need to get my book sales moving again. So it's time to knock a few eauros off the books in my classic UK styles (all four of them) books.

I've knocked 15% off Strong!, Bitter! and Mild!Plus. And a massive 20% Off Porter!

Buy several. Please, buy several. Alexei really needs a new winter coat. The other kids laugh at his raggedy old one. And Andrew needs beer. Lots of beer, now he's a student.

Support independent publishing: buy this book on Lulu.

Support independent publishing: buy this book on Lulu.


  1. Out of curiosity, how are these priced? How come Porter is double the price of Mild?

  2. Anonymous,

    Porter! had more pages than Mild! and is a hardback.
