
Thursday 6 October 2016


I've had a very bust few weeks. A few days in Chicago and three trips to the UK. Understanably, it's left me even more confused than usual.

But I've got some new brewing records. I'd expected to harvest Shepherd Neame's. Finding a brewing book just lying around at Caledonian on Monday was just good fortune. And I wasn't going to pass up the chance. Especially as it's a Scottish brewery. The records span 1932 to 1939. You can probably guess what they contain: several Pale Ales of different strengths parti-gyled together.

Speaking of Scotland, I'm starting to seriously prepare my Macbeth tour of the USA. At least the first leg of it in April. Which is provisionally set to be New Holland, Kalamazoo, Minneapolis, St. Louis, Indianapolis, Chicago.

It's all connected to Scotland! volume II, which is mostly recipes.The concept it that I'll send a themed set of Scottish recipes to a home brew club. Their members brew up the recipes then I troll up talk about Scottish beer in general and the recipes made in particular. Then I get to drink the beer. Sounds great, doesn't it? As a bonus, anyone who brews a recipe I'll give 50 - 100 words to describe it in the final version of the book.

Commercial brewers are welcome to participate, too.

I'm open to suggestions from other parts of the US and from Europe, too. Just get in touch via the gadget at the top left of this page.

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