
Thursday 27 February 2014

Me talking again

Amazed that anyone was interested in listening to me drone away about historical brewing, I've dug out another clip from a few years ago.

It was filmed outsdie the Buzzards Bay brewery where Pretty Things work their magic


  1. You're more extrovert than I was expecting from reading your blog.

    Grammar school educated from the accent?

    Sorry, being nosey!

  2. Mmmm, my blog Makes you think I'd be introvert? Though beer (talking about it) does get my tongue wagging.

  3. Not German, I get definite Yorkshire influence (like mooch for much). It's funny for me to see Ron speak, finally, via these clips. Hitherto I know his voice very well but only from his writing; the vocal side is quite different. I never really ascribed any particular accent to the words on white paper or a monitor, I would have voiced it with a Canadian accent for it if anything. So, "Lexie needs more vodka, please", or "We stand on the shoulders of pygmies", now have a different resonance. But that's okay. I didn't know what it would sound like, I was half sure it would be like the guy on TV who sells Dyson vacuum cleaners, but not at all.

