
Wednesday 22 May 2013

Men's Total Gloom Movement

I'd join an organisation called that. I wonder if it ever got off the ground?

Wondering what I'm talking about? Try reading the text below. It should help explain. It sounds a bit like a forerunner of CAMRA.

"Letters to the Editor
Beer-Garden Idea Supported

Sir,- May I be allowed to congratulate the Rector of Cheltenham on his supporting the establishment of continental-type beer-garden in Cheltenham.

The views put forward by the members of the N.B.W.T.A.U.* that the scheme would prove disastrous in giving additional allure to the consumption of intoxicants and cause the downfall of youth are, I suggest, both narrow and absurd.

The only disaster likely to arise would be caused by our climate's being most unsuitable for beer drinking out of doors.

In France, where normal times all types of drinks are obtainable at any time, and open-air cafés abound, I have only once seen a Frenchman drunk.

This, I suggest, is because drinking is done openly, and parents and children all go to cafés and eat and drink sensibly together.

There is no need for father to slip off for a quick-one on his own, or for youngsters to drink in places where they would not wish their mothers to accompany them.

Comfort and Less Beer
Sir,— I read with interest Canon J. B. Goodliffe's suggestion that the Montpellier garden might be used in the summer months as an open-air cafe, where refreshments of all kinds could be served, including music as well as beer.

The very word "beer" is enough. The members of the N.B.W.T.A.U. are appalled at such a plan, which would make drinking beer more "alluring!" Surely if they know anything about the subject they would realise what every publican knows i.e., that the more comfort he provides the less his clients drink.

A German and his family would sit all the evening in a beer-garden over two pints lager, listening to good music , and enjoying the open air.

I am thinking of founding M.T.G.M.—-Men's Total Gloom Movement. We shall meet at 8 p.m. in a very gloomy cellar each evening, the only seats being full barrels of beer for each member in order to lift the gloom.
22, Montpellier Walk,
Gloucestershire Echo - Thursday 19 December 1946, page 3."
"no need for father to slip off for a quick-one on his own" - how often that's been true when I've been with the family in the UK. And this "or for youngsters to drink in places where they would not wish their mothers to accompany them" sounds like all the Wetherspoon's I've dragged them into.

"I have only once seen a Frenchman drunk" not met my mate Stephane then. I've seen him pissed more than once. Associating with the British must have perverted his naturally temperate French ways.

Which all leads on to the important question: do you drink less the more comfortable you are? I', not sure it applies to me. I try to chug my beeer down at the same fast pace now matter what the environment. Though I will confess that a cool, shady beer garden can relax me so much I slacking the pace. What do you reckon?

I wasn't joking when I said that I'd join up for the Men's Total Gloom Movement. Sitting around in a beer cellar sounds like my type of fun. Though I would want to kick off a little earlier than 8 P.M. You'd want enough time for a proper session.

* National British Women's Total Abstinence Union - don't they sound like a barrel of laughs?


  1. The N.B.W.T.A.U is still with us, although like most temperance organisations they are currently operating under the "alcohol concern" banner.

  2. There's good evidence that loud music makes people drink faster - presumably this is part of why style-bars are so noisy, and indeed turn the volume up as the evening progresses.

    There's also evidence that making you stand with your pint in hand makes you drink faster, as does encouraging you to talk less (loud music/TV again).

    So yes, all in all you probably will drink less - or at least slower - in a more comfortable environment.
