
Friday 14 October 2011

Written out of history

The Oxford Companion to Beer. Yes, I'm back stamping on it's broken body. Or rather I might have a glass of beer is doing it for me.

If I were more paranoid, I might think he'd done it deliberately. Writing Barclay Perkins out of history.

I think I've already got a winner for this year's Protz Shield.


  1. My reaction when you print this sort of shoddy rubbish by Protz, Dornbusch et al, is always the same - why are they so slapdash and lazy? Don't they care about their reputations as (so-called) beer experts? Don't they care about taking people's money, and, more importantly, trust, and doing a lazy, shitty job? The "facts" they get wrong, the omissions that they make are virtually always really easy things to check, but they just don't bother - it's easier to just make the shit up.
    I feel sorry for the publishers of this discredited book - they trusted these jerks and paid them good money in good faith, and they've ended up with a lousy book.

  2. Barclay who? Are they the soccer folks?

    Sorry Ron, I had to do that!

  3. Does that mean this blog never existed?

  4. It doesn't mean this blog never existed, just that they never got past the title. They have finally Shut up about Barclay Perkins.

  5. Roger has tweeted that he hasn't seen the finished book yet and his copy may have been edited. Hmm.

  6. "Roger has tweeted that he hasn't seen the finished book yet and his copy may have been edited"

    Yeah, right.... Like a contributor doesn't get a copy?

  7. I'm just amazed that Protz tweets!

  8. As I said over at Barm's, I had a piece I wrote on beer bottles for the OCB returned to me "edited" in such a way as to garble much of what I said and introduce unbelievably stupid errors. So it wouldn't surprise me at all that Roger's copy was screwed up after it left his computer.

    Oh, and Craig - the brewing Barclays were relatives of the banking Barclays who got their name on the Premier League, so the answer, in a way, is - yes, they ARE the soccer folks.

  9. Yeah I know Martyn, my Visa card is held by Barclay's! Just pulling Ron's leg a bit.
