
Tuesday 16 March 2010

Mild month again

Oh dear. We're already half way through March and I've not mentioned Mild yet. What is wrong with me. Mild is March month.

I still obsess about Mild, despite drinking it only once a decade. Later this week I'll have a rare opportunity to knock some back. Bottles of Pretty Things 1832 Mild will be delivered on Wednesday. A full-strength Imperial Mild, originally brewed by Truman. Right down my street, what with its 10% plus ABV.

This is also a great opportunity for me to plug my book "Mild!". Easily the best book ever written about Mild Ale. Mostly because I can only think of one other. "Mild!" tells you everything you could ever need to know about Mild. And a whole load more. Then more after that.

Want to expose that arrogant know-it-all in the pub? Well bugger off, because that's probably me. But if you want to know enough to think you can impress a geek in a T-shirt, "Mild!"is the book for you. Unless you're not interested in beer history. In which case, why the hell are you reading this dull blog?


  1. Ron

    Is this another Pattinson-De Molen collaboration brew (as the geeks would put it)?

  2. John, no, this is with Pretty Things, Dann Paquette's brewery.

  3. Mark Oregonensis16 March 2010 at 18:33

    Oh my, the 1832 Truman XXXX. I now officially wish I lived on the East Coast once more.

    Did Mr. Paquette parti-gyle this one with an X, like the original?

  4. Mark, no, he just brewed the XXXX.

  5. Ron, I'm putting down a bottle of the Mild right now. It's a lovely beer for sure. What strikes me is how hoppy it is yet so different from the aggressive hoppiness of West Coast beers. I account for this by the use of of Kent Goldings versus super high alpha varieties.

    I noticed that the label does not explicitly mention Truman, I presume because the name is now owned by a mega-corporation with a pack of ravenous hyenas* should any rights be infringed upon. What company is that?


  6. Wait a second. On page 9 of the book, you say May is Mild month. Now, you're saying Mild is March month. Aside from the word order issues, what gives? (Just some mild ribbing :-) I'm on a mild kick now, so I will order forthwith.
