
Wednesday 13 August 2008

Who will be the first to buy Lexie vodka?

This post is pretty self-explanatory. Who will be the first to buy Lexie vodka?

I assume you haven't noticed the donation button I've added. Top left of this page. You have seen it? Then there's just one thing I have to say to you. Tight bastard.

A sad, young boy asks for money to buy vodka. And what do you say to him? "Bugger off, hippy!"

Every day he looks. "Has anyone bought me a vodka today, dad?" "No, Lexie. My readers must be Nazis."

You aren't really a Nazi, are you? Would you deprive a 9-year-old child of vodka? Would you? Would you? Really? Then maybe you are a Nazi, after all.


  1. Yes, maybe we are.

  2. Why not get Lexie an AK-47 instead of the vodka? Or, even better, what about both?

    Just think of the impression he would make on the first day of school!

  3. Just get his this:

    Takes care of both at one time. Then when he says, 'Dad, can I go out and play?' You can say, 'Not until you've finished your vodka son!'

